Gloria Allred Heads To Court, Attempts To Unseal Mitt Romney Testimony And Lift Gag Order

Oct. 23 2012, Published 11:30 a.m. ET
By Jen Heger - Assistant Managing Editor
Famed civil rights attorney Gloria Allred will be in a Boston area courtroom Wednesday in an attempt to unseal the sworn testimony given by Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, in a prior court case, is exclusively reporting.
"The Boston Globe is headed to court tomorrow morning for an emergency hearing in an attempt to obtain a court order to unseal the sworn testimony given by Mitt Romney in a prior court case and to lift a gag order so that the parties can speak about Romney. Gloria Allred will be in court representing one of the parties in the case," a source close to the situation tells
The emergency hearing will take place at the Norfolk Probate & Family Court in Canton, Massachusetts, and Justice Jennifer Ulwick will oversee the proceedings which will begin at 9 a.m. EST.
As previously reported, Drudge Report founder and respected politico, Matt Drudge, tweeted: "Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move. After all, it's her time of the campaign. Team O at the ready!!"
Allred, an outspoken supporter of President Barack Obama refused to confirm, or deny, Drudge's prediction, telling "I have no comment at this time about Mr. Drudge's Tweet. I don't discuss meetings with potential clients."
President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are locked in a dead heat according to most polls.
Gloria Allred had no comment on this story.
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