Fears For Leah! Messer’s Alleged Cult Once Accused Of Sexual Violation & Brainwashing

Oct. 24 2019, Updated 5:31 p.m. ET
Leah Messer has joined Mastery in Transformational Training, an organization that has been accused of being a cult. Now, RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal the institute the Teen Mom 2 star is part of was accused of sexual violation, emotional distress, brainwashing and other claims in a shocking 2017 lawsuit, which has since been dismissed.
In an Amended Complaint obtained from Los Angeles Superior Court, Plaintiff Dana Sabre sued Mastery in Transformational Training, leader Margo Majdi and other Defendants for fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy and more on December 13, 2017.
Sabre claimed she had no prior psychiatric history when she was recruited by her sister and participated in their training program in 2015. She claimed training imposed “techniques of brainwashing.”
“Such non-consensual imposition of brainwashing techniques generated massive psychiatric stress, which caused Plaintiff to suffer a psychiatrically diagnosed psychotic break,” the court filing read. “Such psychiatrically diagnosed psychiatric break rendered Plaintiff to suffer severance from reality which included cycling among extreme confabulations, violent acting out and a catatonic state requiring four-point restraint and psychiatric hospitalization.”
She claimed that Defendants were aware a number of persons who participated in the training “suffered miscarriage, psychotic breaks and injury.”
During the Basic Course, which is the first 5-day training session, female recruits were allegedly required to deposit their purses and cell phones on a table on the side of the room and were prohibited from possessing those items during training.
Other rules included no food or drink in the room, no talking unless directed to do so, no speaking unless called upon, full hugging as opposed to ‘a** out’ hugging and more, she claimed.
Aside from hotel water fountains, no water was available during the five days of training, the complaint alleged. The Plaintiff said she complained of being dehydrated throughout the training process.
When the recruits were broken into small groups, the topics of family, divorce, cheating, sexual abuse and more were discussed so recruits wouldn’t be held back in life and they will have a “complete transformation,” according to the complaint.
During training, she was allegedly criticized for “not being emotional enough” and her “inability to be vulnerable.” Members said those are the reasons that she did not have a boyfriend or long-term relationship and that it was “all her fault,” the complaint said.
But the chilling claims don’t end there. Scroll through RadarOnline.com’s gallery for more.
Next Step

Sabre then paid for and took the Advanced Course. She explained how she was concerned about the course because of her “medical condition” and that she felt “overworked.” But her coach responded that he was “going to be there and it would be special to see her go through this.” During the course, she went through hypnosis. Right after, she signed paperwork without reading it. The paperwork allegedly stated that she agreed not to sue M.I.T.T.
Harsh Treatment

During one of the arch feedback exercises, she shared about how her dad financially and emotionally abandoned her. She claimed, all recruits screamed at her in a “dog-packed” style, saying she was “weak, a little girl, incompetent, phony, ugly and insecure.” The trainer allegedly screamed at them to increase their intensity.
Another Odd Exercise

On another day of training, a coach commended a mass hypnosis. Tormentors would allegedly whisper personal information obtained during the courses into each person’s ear.
Sex Claims

When Dana ran into her sister Kristy, her sibling said that she didn’t seem right. “Dana explained that she was ‘supposed to give a lap dance,’” the court papers read. “When Kristy asked Dana ‘Why,' Dana responded, “because they told me to.’” She also told her sister that she did not “want to get naked” and that some man had shown her his penis.
Sexual Violation Allegations

“Performing a striptease, which included giving a woman a lap dance, Dana did her ‘stretch.’ When Dana came out of the Stretch Room her bra had been removed,” the court papers read. “Defendants are responsible for the sexual violation of Dana and furthermore did not allow her to leave the Advanced until the very end of the night.”

On another day, Dana stole her sister’s car and started to cycle among “extreme confabulations, violent acting out and catatonic state requiring paramedic response, four-point restraint and psychiatric hospitalization,” the court papers alleged. She was diagnosed with having a psychotic break caused by sleep deprivation and stress.

The Defendant filed a Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Arbitration. “The Motion will be and is based primarily on the signed waivers, showing Plaintiff Dana Sabre agreed as a condition of her participation in MITT’s program to arbitrate any and all unreleased claims arising out of her participation in the program," the papers read.
Case Closed

Sabre requested the case be dismissed with prejudice. The post-arbitration status conference scheduled for March, 28 2019 was not held.
Leah’s Involvement

On October 7, 2019, Messer, 27, posted a photo while in Los Angeles with a group of friends. She captioned the snap, “A powerful, strong, trusting force we are! I love each and every single one of you!! You can count on my word! Each one of you have changed my life and we will forever be connected!! I AM A POWERFUL, CONNECTED, INSPIRATIONAL LEADER! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!"
Alleged Cult Revealed

One woman tagged in the photo posted a snap with Messer and captioned it, “MITT 16 Heaven.” She also added the hashtag “mitttransformation.”
Trying To Recruit?

On October 22, Messer wrote on Twitter, “We the powerful, authentic, revolutionary leaders of LP16HEAVEN are committed to creating a world of LOVE, FREEDOM, and UNITY!” She used the hashtag “lp16Heaven” and tagged Rihanna, Beyonce, Madonna and Ricky Martin, who are not affiliated with the organization.
Training Sessions

The organization is described as a self-help group. It offers a series of three training sessions. The first one is “The Basic Training.” The 5-day workshop is $495. The second is “The Advanced Course,” which goes for $1,195. Then there is the final stage, “The Legacy Program,” for $1,595. According to Messer’s “LP” hashtag, she appears to have completed the final stage of training, which encourages members to get recruits. This could be why she tagged the celebrities in the post.
About M.I.T.T.

According to the website, the group’s purpose reads, “These dynamic workshops are a caring, inspirational, and educational environment for generating breakthroughs in the most crucial aspects of your life. You will realize new ways to be more effective, giving and fulfilled in both your personal relationships and your career while experiencing new levels of self-confidence, vitality, joy, and satisfaction. You will see the degree to which your current thinking and behavior is or is not consistent with your highest aspirations and your vision for life. You will discover new possibilities for yourself that are not determined by your past, but generated by your commitment to the future. You will leave this life-altering experience with the tools for immediately creating more of what truly matters to you.”
Former Member’s Story

On 2018, GQ published an article entitled “My Life Cleanse: One Month Inside L.A.’s Cult of Betterness” from former M.I.T.T. member Roscrans Baldwin. In the article, he explained Margo Majdi, who is founder of the group today, purchased the rights to the Lifespring trainings from founder John Hanley.
About Lifespring

Lifespring was a New Age transformation program in the ‘70s and ‘80s. The GQ article claims 35 trainees sued Lifespring. Six people died during group exercises.