New Duggar Sex Scandal! Close Pal Accused Of 'Assault,' Threatening To Expose Himself

March 22 2016, Published 9:52 a.m. ET
The Duggar family is caught up in a sex scandal yet again!
Michelle and Jim Bob's good friend, Fayetteville, Ark. city council member John La Tour, has come under fire for allegedly assaulting a woman and threatening to show her his private parts. But La Tour told in an exclusive interview that he has no plans to resign as the scandal explodes.
"Jim Bob and Michell are personal friends of mine," La Tour explained of the conservative Christian family, who donated $2,000 to his campaign. "We line up similarly politically, but we don't agree on everything. I disagree with Jim Bob on many things. I disagree with many people, but I don't hate them. I disagree with my wife on things, and I don't hate her. I disagree with my daughter, and I don't hate her."
La Tour and a group of men met for breakfast at Arsaga's on Friday, March 18, where he has been accused of assaulting a female employee of the restaurant.
La Tour told that the music was loud in the restaurant and when it wasn't turned down to his satisfaction, he "decided to make lemonade out of lemons. I thought 'Hey I can dance with this loud music.'"
He explained to that he "walked up to the bar, and in my weak attempt at humor, I danced up to the counter to ask if a woman would dance with me. I am a heterosexual male and I don't ask a man to dance with me. So I said to her 'You are a woman, right? Because I am a man and I can prove it.'"
A Facebook post about the situation claimed, "He demanded she pick a gender declaiming loudly that he couldn't tell if she was a man or a woman. She is not transgendered and does not in any way present any ambiguity about gender in any way. She's a woman. He then explained that he was a man and could prove it by dropping his pants and showing his penis."
La Tour told, "It was my cornball attempt at humor. She did have short hair, but she did not look like a man."
He explained that he has a "hypersensitivity because of the law. But also I wouldn't walk up to a man and ask a man to dance. I just have to be sure this is a woman."
"There is a civil rights law that was passed here by the city council and anybody can decide what gender they are on any day and not what they were born with."
The Duggars actively campaigned against the city law that was intended to protect citizens against discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic background, marital status, or veteran status. The law passed in 2014, and the city council overturned it in December of that year, but the law passed again in 2015.
Michelle even made a robocall to Fayetteville citizens stating the law would "allow men — yes I said men — to use womens' and girls' restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only." Despite her own son Josh's molestation of his younger sisters, she claimed the law would allow "males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female" to go into women's restrooms.
La Tour told that he did not intimidate the woman in the restaurant. "Did she feel threatened? There was a counter between us. I was not being aggressive and I didn't bully her," he insisted.
"The entire situation was about 15 seconds. I sat back down at my seat and we decided to leave. But I apologized when we left," he said. "I said, 'I did not mean to offend you in any way, shape or form.'"
Michelle Duggar"All I said was 'You are a woman, right?' She looks like a woman, I assumed she's a woman, but before I ask someone to dance I need to know if they're a man or a woman."
La Tour told that he doesn't "live with the bill in my mind at all times."
According to an online petition calling for his resignation, La Tour violated a city ordinance by writing on his Facebook page that people should not patronize the restaurant.
"I break city ordinances every day," he defiantly told "I drive 26 in a 25 mile per hour zone."
"But I changed my post because it was a knee jerk reaction. All I ever said is, we need to get out of the way of entrepreneurs chasing their dreams and this was a weak moment in my thinking."
He was adamant in the fact that he will not resign and isn't paying attention to the online petition for his removal.

"We need a conservative voice on the city council to balance the liberal voices," La Tour claimed. "The liberals want to silence any dissenting opinions. I want to stay and vocalize the dissenting opinion."
La Tour told that he has even received a death threat, via email, that read: "Hopefully very soon you'll be without a job. Die you ignorant bigot."
"This is probably a tolerant kind of person," he joked.
"Not everything that comes out of my mouth is right," La Tour told, and he revealed that he met with the owner of the restaurant, who is an old friend, about the incident.
"It is the sign of a mature friendship when people can be friendly and respectful. He said their policy is if the music is too loud, then they need to turn it down until people are happy. So they were breeching policy."
"What we should have done was go next door to the Waffle House!" La Tour said. "I asked him if I was welcome back and he said he would ask his employees if they want me back. I doubt if they have warm feelings about me."