MEOW! Rosie O’Donnell And Whoopi Goldberg Fighting Over Katie Couric’s Old Office – Who’ll Get A Better ‘View’?

Sept. 5 2014, Published 6:48 a.m. ET
Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg may be Hollywood superstars, but on the set of The View, they’re simply co-workers — who can’t stand each other! has learned that the veteran hosts are fighting over every detail of their daily working life, including who will get the set’s best office.
“They are fighting over everything!” a show insider told exclusively, “Like offices, and even assistants.”
And according to an insider, the biggest sticking point has been who will get Katie Couric’s old office.
When ABC announced last December that Couric’s syndicated talk show was being cancelled after two seasons, her posh NYC work spot went up for grabs. And O’Donnell, who’s returning to the hit morning talk show after a seven-year absence, got first dibs.
“Katie's old office is a bit bigger than the others. And in Rosie’s contract, she specified that she gets the best office. Whoopi doesn’t have that in contract,” added the insider.
But despite the black and white agreement, said the source, "Whoopi has been making such a stink.”
In the interest of making peace now that the final two co-hosts have been selected, has learned O’Donnell has backed down.
“Rosie is going to give up the best office to Whoopi,” revealed the source. “They’re going to have to revise her contract, but Rosie is fine with it.”
Stay tuned for the next round!