Stop The Lies! 'Jaded' Heather Thomas Tired Of ‘RHONY’ Costar Aviva Drescher's Fibs: 'I Had The Wool Pulled Over My Eyes’

March 12 2014, Published 6:43 a.m. ET
In the Housewives world, it’s not uncommon to see a close friend quickly turn into a foe — and that’s exactly what has happened in season 6 of The Real Housewives of New York City between the once close Heather Thomson and Aviva Drescher.
In the trailer for the new season, Thomson and Drescher got into a heated argument.
“Aviva — when we first started filming last year — was someone who I really cared about,” Thomson told, in an exclusive interview. “We were friends and we certainly have a commonality or thread that you just don’t share with anybody else.”
But then the situation quickly changed.
“When Aviva got so heavy handed at the end of last season, with name calling and she kind of really lost control, what you didn’t see behind the film is that when she called the girls ‘white trash’ and she said all those terrible things about Sonja Morgan being an alcoholic and these awful things that I feel are below the belt, she promised me that she had apologized on the show for it,” Thomson explained. “And then when I watched the show, she compared it to Rush Limbaugh’s apology, which was an empty apology. She really never apologized, so I felt a little bit jaded.”
Thomson said she felt deceived.
“I felt a little bit like I had the wool pulled over my eyes and I became a little trepidatious as did Carole Radziwill with Aviva going, ‘Wait a second, Will the real Aviva please stand up?'” Thomson said.
“But I don’t judge anybody. I want to always give somebody the benefit of the doubt to redeem themselves. And I give Aviva after last season the benefit of the doubt to redeem herself and you’ll see how that unravels.”
Unfortunately, Thomson said that fans are “not going to see too much of me and Aviva together, that’s for sure.”
But Drescher isn’t the only one who is going to be the center of the drama this season: New cast-mate Kristen Taekman causes some ruckus between the women.
“A true beauty is always threatening, isn’t she?” Thomson said. “She’s gorgeous.”
Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, who is not a full-fledged cast member anymore, also gets into with veteran Housewife Sonja Morgan.
“Sonja and LuAnn have been friends for a long time and there’s some hurt feelings with some situation where they don’t feel like they were treated as close friends,” Thomson said. “So I kind of call LuAnn and Sonja ‘Sex And The City’ drama where you see them have an issue, get through it, overcome potentially, but it does effect where they stand in their relationship and their closeness.”
But in the end, who does Thomson feel is her closest friend out of the cast?

“Carole Radziwill and I are like sisters,” she admitted. “I can say she is one of the best things that came out of the show for me. I have Bravo to thank for the wonderful person that Carole is in my life. And I love her so, so much.”