'I Was Hurt, Shocked': Mistress Writes Tell-All Book, Recalls The Night Inside A Cheap Motel When Dog-fighting Quarterback Michael Vick Confessed

June 27 2013, Published 6:16 a.m. ET
Five-and-a-half years after Michael Vick admitted to running a dog fighting ring, a woman claiming to be an ex-lover of the shamed NFL star has penned a tell-all book revealing "secrets that will shock the world" about his life and how he tortured pit bulls.
"The book itself is not a relationship tell-all but an eyewitness account of what was seen, heard and lived during a ten year period of knowing Vick," the woman, who goes by the nom de plume Bella Escritor, told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview.
"The book includes romantic moments… the relationship started out as lovers and over time developed into a family, best friend ordeal."
Escritor provided RadarOnline.com with letters between herself and Vick, postmarked Leavenworth, a federal prison in Kansas, from inmate No. 33765-183 — Vick's identification — as proof of their secret relationship
To most, it will come as a shock: The Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Vick, 33, married his longtime girlfriend, Kijafa Frink, in 2012. But according to Escritor, she knew of Kijafa and was "informed that she knew of me as well and she was ok with it all -- otherwise I would not have proceeded with the relationship."
"It was only years later that I found out that was not the case," the woman said.
"In the book, you will find out that Kijafa and I engaged in conversations towards the end. The book is not a sexual tell-all, nor is the intent of the book to bash Mike in any way.
"But I was there for scandals, games, road trips, parties, etc. Yes, I know things involving the NFL loop that will be in the book. These are things and experiences I know that have not yet been shared with the rest of the world. People assume I'm a groupie, mistress, or just plain out to hurt Mike. None of that is true."
In an exclusive excerpt of the book, titled Quarterback Keeper, the woman details the 2007 night at a Comfort Inn in Virginia when the NFL star confessed to his part in the "Bad Newz Kennels" dog fighting operation in front of her and two friends. He later received a federal indictment and served 18 months in a federal prison.
"It got really quiet and serious," she recounted in a chapter of the expose provided to RadarOnline.com.
"Mike looked over at CJ a Vick friend who was sitting on the opposite queen bed with my girl. Mike said in the most somber tone, 'You tried to warn me.' Then he looked over at me and said the same thing. I just stared at him and let him finish his statement."
She wrote:
He continued with, 'You said they were watching and that I should chill from that sh*t'. CJ replied, 'Yeah man, I remember, I told you to stop going to those dogfights.'It was at that point that I had to hold back the tears and quiet my own heartbeat. I was hurt, shocked and p*ssed off at this man. I was under the impression that the charges he faced were all lies. I believed him when he told me he was innocent. I defended him against everyone who said such horrible things about him.
Now I find out that he has been lying to me this entire time. For so long, I believed his story because he had no reason to lie to me. I was on his side and would have supported him through anything, no matter what.
Mike continued to talk. 'Well look at us now dog. You two (referring to myself and CJ) are the only ones who tried to tell me and ya’ll are the only ones I trust."
It was at that point, Escritor said, she realized she had been duped over the course of their ten year association.
I’m listening to him but I can't control the flashbacks happening in my mind.I'm remembering back to when I first met Mike and I remember seeing puppies walking around his Atlanta mansion. I would often come over, sometimes twice a day even. There would be a new puppy around, sometimes less than a year old. I once picked one of them up and cuddled with it and Mike quickly snapped on me.
Don’t do that! You gonna make him soft," she said the former Atlanta Falcons star told her. "Those type of dogs aren’t supposed to be soft and sh*t."
I’m trying not to cry in front of Mike right now but my heart is thinking about that poor little puppy and the cruel life it was most likely subjected to.
If only I would have known its true fate, I could have possibly done something to protect it. I’m disappointed in myself for not seeing the signs and I’m disgusted in Mike for having me so close to such a horrible lifestyle.
Once the flashbacks stop, I look at Mike and ask him how could I have tried to tell him not to dogfight when I never even knew about it? He then said that it wasn’t about the dogfighting; it was about the time I told him that he couldn’t treat people who knew personal things about him any kind of way.
He was referencing one of our previous arguments at another hotel in Virginia. That night I became so upset with him that I told him I could very well go downstairs to the lobby and call the newspapers and tell them what was happening in the hotel room he was in.
I told him that even though I could tell, I wouldn’t tell, because I was a not that type of person. But I warned him that I would not always be that cool if he ever hurt my heart again.
I also told him he was lucky it was only me he had p*ssed off that night because anyone else in that room would probably tell on him in a heartbeat and not have his back the same way that I did. I said this to him in a hotel room full of shocked people with their mouths open. I then walked right out of the room and caught the next flight home."
Some of the same people in that hotel room that fateful night later became his co-defendants in the dogfighting case, Escritor said.
"Those are the same people who left him hanging to go down for all this by himself," she wrote, in the book.
"That wasn’t the first time and wouldn’t be the last time I would remain by Mike's side when the odds were against him. But that is the point where Mike’s secrets started pouring in."
Speaking to RadarOnline.com, Escritor said her book -- it will be self-published -- will include personal documents such as love letters, photographs, text messages and Vick's own memoirs to prove her tale.
"The reason for writing the book now is very simple: I was told by someone close to Mike that they would make our relationship public and tell it all their way," she said. "I am taking this opportunity to tell things my way , truthfully. That's it. I am not bitter and no, Mike did not hurt me or cause me to seek revenge."

She is attempting to raise more $20 thousand via Kickstarter in order to release the book, which according to her project page on the site, will provide the media with a "field day with this novel once it is written and the secrets of this Quarterback are made public knowledge."
"The book humanizes Mike but does not allow him to play victim when he was in the wrong," Escritor said.
"It tells of fears, love, triumphs, downfalls, and positive and negative emotions shared between us. It also contradicts a lot of what has already been released to the public. It clears up certain rumors as well."