Celebrity Trainer Tracy Anderson Apologizes For Bashing New Moms: 'It's Not What I Meant!'

Aug. 29 2012, Published 1:30 p.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - RadarOnline.com Reporter
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson found herself in hot water this week when she accused a multitude of new moms of using pregnancy as "an excuse to let their bodies go," but now the fitness guru has backtracked and apologized for her controversial comments.
"I am so mortified, it sounds so bad when it comes back like that. It's not what I meant," Anderson told Lara Spencer on Good Morning America on Wednesday.
"I've spent 14 years very focused creating all of this original content, testing on women to make sure I can give women something that really works so they can be their most empowered self," she explained.
"So the last thing I would do is judge a woman, especially after children."
The trainer who is famous for sculpting the bodies of celebrities such as Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez faced a bitter backlash following an interview in the September issue of DuJour magazine where she bashed women who gained too much weight while pregnant.
"That’s the worst thing… I’ve seen so many women who come to me right after (having children) with disaster bodies that have gone through hell, or they come to me years later and say, ‘Oh, my body is like this because I had three kids.’"
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After a slew of angry moms and health experts bit back calling 37-year-old Anderson everything from a "narcissist" to "an idiot," she attempted to explain what she really meant.
"Pregnancy is difficult and every pregnancy is completely unique. We crave a lot," she told Spencer. "I think in today's society where we have all of this pressure to look a certain way, I feel like they turn to diet a lot because that's what works for them because fitness routines usually let them down.
"So when they do get pregnant it's like 'Oh my gosh!' It's not just like 'I'm going to let my body got for this pregnancy,' It's also, 'I can eat all the things that I never let myself eat.'"
"I see people that come to me after pregnancy and they didn't need to necessarily gain that much weight," she added.
Spencer, a mother-of-two, revealed that she is more lenient while pregnant. "If my body wants a cookie, then I'm going to eat a cookie," she told Anderson.
Having given birth to daughter, Penelope, last May, when she gained just 30 pounds and lost it all in six weeks, the creator of the Tracy Anderson Method stressed that what mothers eat has an affect on their baby's longterm health.
"Research shows that to have empty calories going into our body during pregnancy, we are setting our babies up for the rest of their lives -- with cancer, with diabetes, all kinds of things -- so we do have to be conscious of it.
"Our instinct is our most important thing. We have to listen to our bodies, listen to our cravings. I exercised very conservatively during my pregnancy. I didn't want to lose the weight too quickly nutrition-wise, you have to make sure you are eating enough for breast-feeding," said Tracy, who recently launched a series of DVDs called The Pregnancy Project packed with workout routines and tools for moms-to-be.
"It is a unique experience. Gwyneth (Paltrow) craved Haagen-Dazs, I craved cheeseburgers. But stay connected to your body, your body doesn't have to be sacrificed for ever," she advised. "It is empowering to get the weight off to get your body back."
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