Michelle Obama Sidesteps Stoner Questions From Jon Stewart

May 29 2012, Published 1:00 p.m. ET
Michelle Obama won't take the bait.
Jon Stewart asked the first lady, appearing on The Daily Show Tuesday, to shed more light on the wild youth of her husband, President Barack Obama, but she didn't bite at the loaded question.
“I really related to that,” Stewart said, likely referring to the president's past admission he had smoked marijuana in his younger days.
“I’m not taking any bait," the media-savvy beauty said chuckling, adding that president buckled down and got his life on track with encouragement from his mother.
The question comes on the heels of a new Obama bio, David Maraniss's Barack Obama: The Story, which details the president's pot-smoking days as a student in Hawaii.
According to the book, "When a joint was making the rounds," the future president "often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted!' and took an extra hit."
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As we previously referenced, the president had confirmed he had smoked marijuana during his youth, long before he was elected.
"Look, when I was a kid, I inhaled frequently: That was the point," he said, referring to the famously bumbling statement then-president candidate Bill Clinton made in March of 1992 about how he had smoked marijuana, but didn't inhale.
Watch the video on RadarOnline.com
Michelle's new book, American Grown, is in stores now.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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