Family That Took In Casey Anthony Slams Her For Being Self-Centered

May 2 2012, Published 3:30 p.m. ET
By Amber Goodhand - News Editor
The pastor's family that Casey Anthony hid with after her trial left a scathing voicemail for the 'Tot Mom' and has all the exclusive details.
In the voicemail obtained exclusively by, Steve Camp's wife Cindy Camp is heard expressing the family's heartbreaking betrayal, urging her not to deal with her attorney Jose Baez any longer and calling her out for being selfish and self-centered.
Steve and Cindy run the Cross Church of Palm City that Casey was largely rumored to be hiding out at in the months following her stunning acquittal and release from jail.
Here is the voicemail transcribed in its entirety:
It is Friday night. I just listened to your conversation with Steve when you hung up on him. I want you to know something. You are dealing with the wrong person when you're dealing with Jose. He is the one that gives us up. This is no longer about you.
I've had media parked out front at the end of my driveway for the last 48 hours. People are protesting, they're throwing rocks, they're coming up to the door, some guys are leaving you notes and love letters. This is not about you. This is about our church, this is about my family. My daughter's picture has been on the Internet and Steve hasn't said a word. Not one word.
People are writing the most vile, repulsive things to him via e-mail and Twitter and Facebook and it's just disgusting and he has not said a word. You are siding with the wrong person. Jose is going to do you wrong. He's already done you wrong. He's sold us out and we know it for a fact. I don't care if you don't want to hear it, that is a fact.
You have a church here, you have people that care about you and have protected you. We haven't said a word, until, all of a sudden, it would be good to know that you were just going to up and leave four days ago, we could have made a very simple statement and avoided all of this hassle.
But this is unbelievable to me and I think you need to rethink and seriously pray about what you're doing. This has nothing to do with you down in your undisclosed location, it's right here hot in my yard, and we are still sticking up for you. I just want you to know that because we love you and we've cared for you. And that is not going to change. We will still protect you.
But this is just…don't you ever hang up on my husband again. He has been the truest strength you've ever had and the kids are just going to be heartbroken. I don't know what you're doing. I can't believe it. For once get outside your own head and think of someone else. Think of this family…they deserve thanks, thanks for having my back here, I'm sorry you have to go through this…nothing! It's just all about you! What is wrong with you?! Really?
Anyway, that's all I have to say so I guess we'll hear from you or something, I hope. Anyway, I do love you. I want you to think seriously about what you're doing, not just for you, but for all involved. Thank you. Goodnight.
According to an insider, the voicemail was left in January 2012, just days after bizarre videos of Casey showing off her new hairstyle and talking about her "new life" leaked online.

That same week, Jose Baez called it quits -- opting to no longer represent Casey.
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