Fake Will Smith Tweet About Trayvon Martin, Kim Kardashian Goes Viral

March 27 2012, Published 10:00 a.m. ET
A Trayvon Martin-related tweet from a phony account by an impostor Will Smith has gone viral Tuesday.
"WE live in America where a girl that threw flour on Kim Kardashian was arrested on site. But the man who KILLED Trayvon Martin is still free," read the tweet from @RealWillSmith, which was re-tweeted by authentic celebs such as Spike Lee and Rosie O'Donnell.
Trayvon Martin Shooting: George Zimmerman Says Investigation Is A 'Witch Hunt'
It turns out, however, @RealWillSmith does not belong to the former Fresh Prince, but rather to a regular Joe from Nashville, Tennessee.
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“If you've recently followed me, you're probably looking for this Will Smith parody account that's had some media attention,” he wrote, linking to a second phony account parodying the Men In Black star.
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Meanwhile on Tuesday, the late Martin’s parents are slated to speak at a Democrat-organized forum to discuss racial profiling and deadly force laws, both powder keg issues inflamed by the details of the case after Trayvon was fatally shot in Sanford by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman (a 28-year-old man whose mother is Hispanic and father is white) February 26.