Tim Tebow: ‘I Gotta Believe That I'm Not The First Athlete To Get On A Knee And Pray’
Feb. 2 2012, Published 6:00 a.m. ET
Jimmy Fallon's taken his show to Indianapolis this week for the Super Bowl, so who better to appear on the show than the NFL's biggest breakout star this year, Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
Fallon asked No. 15 his thoughts on the widespread popularity of “Tebowing,” a gesture made famous when the star football player kneels on the ground in prayer and pounds his fist.
"Well, I'm not sure, but I gotta believe that I'm not the first athlete to get on a knee and pray -- just putting that out there" the 24-year-old said.
Tebow told Fallon a young fan tweeted he was "Tebow-ing while Chemo-ing," and he was so moved, he struck up a rapport with the fan, even flying him out to a game.
The devout Christian also gave his take on Fallon's parody of David Bowie's Space Oddity -- "Tebowie," as he called it -- in which he sang “This is Jesus Christ to Tim Tebow, please leave me alone."
"You were a little off tune and a little pitchy," Tebow said.
The rugged quarterback said this off-season, he's planning on building a hospital in the Philippines with his charity, The Tim Tebow Foundation.
"We're very excited about that," he said.
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The one-time Florida Gator then wrapped up his segment in style, signing a jersey and shooting it into the cheering crowd with a t-shirt gun.