Alec Baldwin Thrown Off Flight For Refusing To Turn Off His Cell Phone

Dec. 6 2011, Published 2:00 p.m. ET
By Amber Goodhand - Reporter
Move over Angry Birds, there’s a new mobile game making headlines!
Alec Baldwin was thrown off an American Airlines flight on Tuesday when he refused to turn off his cell phone because he was in the middle of a game of Words With Friends, has learned.
The 30 Rock star quickly tweeted, “Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt.”
“But, oddly, 30 Rock plays inflight on American. #theresalwaysunited,” he joked.
Unhappy that he was removed from the American Airlines flight out of Los Angeles for refusing to turn off his cell phone while the aircraft idled for takeoff, Baldwin continued to take blows at the airline on his Twitter account.
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“United Airlines should buy Words With Friends,” he wrote.
“Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950s find jobs as flight attendants.”
The irony not lost on the incident is that many of the other passengers on the flight immediately took to their social media profiles to write about Baldwin being kicked off the plane — from their mobile devices.
Baldwin was moved to a later flight on American Airlines.

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