90210 War Zone! Kim Richards & Brandi Glanville Battle It Out While Adrienne Maloof Plays Peacemaker

Oct. 25 2011, Published 2:30 p.m. ET
If Adrienne Maloof ever gets tired of running a multi-million dollar empire and being a reality star maybe she could make a move to the Peace Corps?
She’s certainly well qualified after her many attempts to broker peace on the mean streets of Beverly Hills!
The feud between the Richards sisters and Brandi Glanville raged on during Monday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, despite the best attempts by Adrienne to calm the situation with a “peaceful” day at the spa.
The well-to-do small screen sirens enjoyed a day spa outing courtesy of Adrienne, who tried to ease tensions between the warring parties with a soul-soothing series of manicures, pedicures and massages.
"I think the only thing you should do is just apologize," Maloof-Nassif implored Glanville, the newest castmember who had a vicious blow-up with the wealthy Richards sisters last week.
Kim, still furious over Brandi’s accusations she’d been using crystal meth, called her arch-enemy “a piranha.” She subsequently refused to acknowledge the ex-wife of actor Eddie Cibrian -- or as she called it, "Selective hearing, selective seeing."
"I don’t even want to look at her," the socialite, who is aunt to Paris Hilton, said. "I don’t think she’s cute; I don’t think she has a nice mouth -- dirty, dirty like a sewer. It’s called selective hearing, selective seeing.”
Glanville said she felt insulted when the sisters had spoken about her children, telling Kyle: "All of the drama that went on the other night ... I lost it ... I think you guys lost it too. My trigger is my kid and your trigger is obviously your sister."
"I said some things I shouldn’t have," said Glanville.
"That’s a very serious accusation," Kyle said regarding the meth accusation. "I don’t even know what that stuff is."
The women seemed to make amends as they figured out how to stay off one another's Achilles heels.
"You guys have no idea what I’m going through, I’m a single mom," Brandi told Kyle, who said she was "not challenging Brandi being a parent I'm sure you are a wonderful mother ... so moving on, maybe you could apologize to my sister."

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