Petition To The White House Calls For Investigation Into The Church Of Scientology

May 28 2018, Updated 10:10 a.m. ET
A petition started via We the People, the White House's online initiative that "gives all Americans a way to create and sign petitions on a range of issues affecting our nation" has garnered enough signatures to call for an investigation into the Church of Scientology by the Obama Administration, has exclusively learned.
"We petition the Obama administration to: EXAMINE THE GOVERNMENT'S FAILURE TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY CRIME, FRAUD AND ABUSE," the petition, which was created on September 24, 2011, starts out.
Read The Document Here
"WHEREAS, the FBI has 300+ recent complaints of Scientology crimes and atrocities - human trafficking, forced abortions and civil rights violations, and the IRS has evidence of private inurement violations justifying INTERMEDIATE SANCTIONS, and existing evidence on hand meets RICO statutes, WE REQUEST that the White House investigate and employ a Special Prosecutor to: EXAMINE why, with such an abundance of RICO evidence of Scientology being a corrupt and criminal entity, no law enforcement agency has moved forward;
"INVESTIGATE undue favor and pressure brought by lawyers for Scientology leader David Miscavige to stop the investigations; EXAMINE why around the world the "church" is investigated as a criminal entity while the U.S. Government does nothing?"
The threshold for petitions to be reviewed by policy experts in the Obama Administration was changed on October 3, to 25,000 signatures within 30 days, but as this petition was created prior to that date, it has been "grandfathered in" for the original threshold of 5,000 signatures and as of Tuesday afternoon it had 5,694 signatures.
According to California-based attorney, Graham E. Berry, who is spearheading the demand for an investigation: "Inurements benefiting celebrity members of the Church are illegal in nature and should result in revocation of the organization's non-profit, tax-exempt status."
Graham tells in an exclusive interview the motives behind starting the petition and the results he's expecting from it.
"I have been handling cases against Scientology for 20 years and during the course of that 20 years they have targeted me for destruction, so I have come to work for those who are fighting Scientology crimes and abuses," he said.
"I became aware of the White House starting We The People and with the assistance of Karen De La Carriere, ex-wife of the former President of the Church of Scientology, we crafted a petition.
"The next step will be to ensure that the White House carries through with their assurances that they examine what happened and take action and to that end, there will be an email campaign with the White House, the Department of Justice and Congress."
As previously reported, Scientology launched an intense investigation into the lives of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but now it seems the tables have turned.
A Scientology spokesperson issued the following statement to "As recent news accounts have shown, the new 'We the People' initiative cannot take seriously the ample number of off-the-wall, easily-manipulated petitions initially generated like the anti-Scientology petition. Petitions that have been submitted to 'We the People' include demands to legalize prostitution, legalize marijuana, to change the motto of the United States, and to proclaim a World Psoriasis Day.
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"Not surprisingly, these petitions have become the butt of numerous jokes by comics and sarcastic articles and have unfortunately polluted the White House's efforts to raise serious issues. Tellingly, the White House earlier this month raised the threshold from 5,000 to 25,000 signatures within 30 days. In short, the petition to investigate Scientology should be taken as seriously as the petition to "form a presidential commission to investigate the covert use of mind control technologies on American citizens."