More Weiner Evidence Mounts, As Radar Reveals Sexts Mentioned John Boehner

May 28 2018, Updated 10:13 a.m. ET
By Dylan Howard
Senior Executive Editor, Star
While the New York congressman was away, the Weiner came out to play.
Five of Rep. Anthony Weiner's 15 cyber-sex sessions with a 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer happened when he was in Washington D.C. representing his constituents of New York, has uncovered.
An examination of congressional records, the official bible of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress, has found Rep. Weiner (D-Brooklyn/Queens) sexted blonde casino worker Lisa Weiss on the same day he debated official government business.
It's not clear if the inappropriate messages with the woman occurred before, during or after the congressional sessions.
However, the shocking new evidence could undermine the embattled Democratic congressman's claim that he did not use government resources for his extra-marital activities.
As we previously reported, Rep. Weiner is facing an ethics investigation "to determine whether any official resources were used or any other violation of House rules," according to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Weiner consulted Pelosi before admitting that he made "terrible mistakes" in sending lewd pictures of himself to women he met on Facebook and Twitter over the past few years.
What's more, and Star has learned that Rep. Weiner's first steamy session with Weiss, his Facebook mistress, came just TWO MONTHS after he married Huma Abedin in Long Island in a lavish ceremony officiated by former President Bill Clinton.
Abedin is a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
According to the Library of Congress, Rep. Weiner appeared in the House of Representatives on January 20, March 3 and 16, April 13 and September 20, last year -- all days that we've confirmed he engaged in online shenanigans with Weiss.
During one rendezvous, Rep. Weiner told the woman it was 9am on the East Coast.
Three hours later, he took the floor of Congress during a debate on providing funding to the department of defense, according to official documents.
On April 16, a time when the House of Representatives discussed the constitutional authority statement, Rep. Weiner asked Weiss when she was going to send him nude images of herself so he could "jerk off."
"Go into the bathroom mirror now," he wrote, encouraging her to snap lewd images and forward them to him. "I'm like a rock," he added.
During the height of the federal government shut down crisis, on April 7, Rep. Weiner also sexted Weiss and bemoaned how he hadn't been able to share explicit messages with her because he'd been "punching the speaker" -- a reference to political foe John Boehner, the speaker of the House.
That same night, Weiner appeared on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show in a live interview from the steps of Capitol Hill.
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