Porn Star Inserts Herself Into 'Weinergate' Scandal

May 28 2018, Updated 10:13 a.m. ET
New York Congressman Anthony Weiner finds himself in a growing pickle --- a porn star has now inserted herself into his sex scandal.
A scan of the Twitter timeline of porn starlet Ginger Lee -- whose resume includes such titles as Monster Meat 12, Swallow My Pride 9 and Stuffin' Young Muffins 5 -- suggests a connection to the embattled politician.
On March 1, Lee tweeted, "I want to have sexual relations with Anthony Weiner."
Less than two weeks later, on March 13, she tweeted that "you know it's a good day when you wake up to a direct message from @RepWeiner."
Last month, the porn starlet tweeted she'd come down with a case of "Weinermania!" and drew a heart on a picture of the politician with the funny caption, "You're the only Weiner I need."
Then, on May 27, she tweeted "Whoa. I get a dose of Anthony Weiner live before I go to work tonight. Weiner before work, me likey."
As previously reported, the online drama began last Friday when a lewd crotch shot image of a man in tight fitting briefs appeared in Weiner’s Twitter stream addressed to 21-year-old college student Gennette Cordova, but visible to all 40,000 of his Twitter followers.
The 46-year-old Weiner, who is married to Hilary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, was incensed when questioned by reporters about the scandal, and is claiming that his Twitter account was hacked into.
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