Jesse James: Cheating On Sandra Bullock Was My Only Option!

May 4 2011, Published 7:45 a.m. ET Staff Reporter
Poor Jesse James!
He felt “trapped” in his high-profile marriage to Oscar winner Sandra Bullock, so he started cheating on her!
Violins, please.
In American Outlaw, James’ take-no-prisoner auto-bio released this week, the 42-year-old grease monkey recalled a road trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with the star of Miss Congeniality. He said a simple request by Bullock that he lower the volume of the radio triggered a sense of entrapment.
“I lowered it. Of course I did,” he writes. “That’s what any husband would do for his high-class wife. She wasn’t some whore in the back of a Daytona nightclub: She was a lady, with gentler tastes,” James wrote. “But in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but feel kind of cheated. It was like I was Huckleberry Finn or something, when Widow Douglas decides to adopt him. They were ‘sivilizing’ me, and I didn’t know how to make them stop.’”
James said he had become “Sandra Bullock’s husband” and a reality TV personality, neither of which felt human to him. He fantasized about stepping away from all the responsibility of his West Coast Choppers enterprise but couldn’t because of his public image with Bullock.
“If I closed West Coast down, it would hurt Sandy. That was the catch. In the eyes of the public, my fate was directly tied to hers. So just like I couldn’t punch somebody’s teeth out on the red carpet, I couldn’t really f**k up businesswise, either, because it would reflect badly upon her, and probably affect her successful image,” James wrote.
“You’re trapped, I thought suddenly. It came out of nowhere, but you’re trapped pretty good, aren’t you?"
“I couldn’t escape. Not even for an instant. Mentally at a loss, desperate for something to make me feel like I had some sense of freedom, I ran through the list of things I could do to assert my independence over my life. Infidelity, unfortunately, was at the top of the list.”
The motorcycle mogul confessed that he never felt good enough for Bullock, 46, and was never really convinced that she loved him!

That, too, he claims, led to his numerous indiscretions.
Keep checking for more from James’ new book.
VIDEO: Jesse James: 'I Can't Worry About Sandra Anymore'
How Jesse James Told Sandra Bullock About His Infidelity
Jesse James: ‘Sandra Bullock Has Cut Off Contact With My Daughter’