EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Charlie Sheen Takes Radar For Tour Of His 'Sober Bar'
March 13 2011, Published 3:00 p.m. ET
Charlie Sheen taped a pack of cigarettes to his refrigerator, a memento of a visit by Sean Penn, and showed off other unique memorabilia adorning the bar in his home in this new and exclusive RadarOnline.com video.
"I thought it was an epic night and he told such great stories, so to sort of, not in a voodoo way to keep something that he touched, just out of absolute respect and honor to put them on the fridge," Sheen said, as he took us for a tour.
"And I just don't know a lot of people that have that on their fridge."
Also on his refrigerator is one of the many magazine covers he graced last week, except he has altered the image giving himself red eyes and added the words "He Started WINNING!!"
Sheen took the cameras on a tour of his bar that once flowed with liquor, now empty.
"I don't use this bar. There's no booze here at Sober Valley Lodge," Sheen said, pointing out that all of the shelves and cabinets are bare.
The only things left in the bar are cigars and various pieces of movie and sports memorabilia, including what he said is a model of the actual shark from the film Jaws.
The 45-year-old actor showed off an old cash register from the National Cash Register Company, joking that his grandfather worked there "for 200 years" in Dayton, Ohio.
An avid baseball fan, Sheen also has a Dodgers seat from the 1981 Championships signed by Dusty Baker, among other notable players.
The tour concluded in the dining room, where the table was covered in wrapped presents for his twin boys, Max and Bob, who will be turning two-years-old March 14.
"Denise is pretty good about that. She's built some snow mountains and small snow slides," he said when asked by Australian radio network Nova if he throws extravagant birthday parties for the children.
"I personally believe a lot of those parties are just for the photos for the adults and the Botox brigade. Its not even about the children.