OFFICIAL POLICE DOCUMENTS: Woman Accusing Al Gore Of Sex Attack Tells Her Story
June 24 2010, Published 12:45 p.m. ET
Former Vice-President Al Gore “moaned, groaned and moved” like a “crazed sex poodle” and delivered a “come hither” stare to the woman accusing him of sexually attacking her, according to official police documents.
OFFICIAL POLICE DOCUMENTS: Woman Accuses Al Gore Of Sex Attack; Read The Report has obtained a 73-page investigative report conducted by the Portland Police Bureau in 2009 into a massage therapist's complaint that Gore made inappropriate sexual advances toward her at a hotel in Portland, Oregon in October, 2006.
OFFICIAL POLICE DOCUMENTS: Woman Accuses Al Gore Of Sex Attack; Read The Report, Part 2
In the witness statement, the 54-year-old alleged victim -- whose name we are not releasing as she is a potential sex crime victim -- told detectives Gore attempted a “big tongue kiss,” “caressed” her “back and buttocks and breasts” and “shoved” her hand down to his pubic region.
Gore, who recently split from his wife Tipper after 40 years of marriage, also fed the woman chocolate and attempted to coerce her to come into his bedroom to listen to a song by Pink, the document said.
As the National Enquirer first reported, the woman reported the encounter several weeks after the incident, four years ago. The case was eventually cleared.
But police, for reasons not made public, investigated the case further last year.
The woman says she was called to a hotel in Portland for a $540 massage, which included 20 percent gratuity, to treat the one-time George W. Bush challenger, when the alleged assault took place.
On her arrival at Portland’s up-market Hotel Lucia, she claimed the ex-Veep introduced himself by saying, “Call me Al.”
He stretched out his arms to wrap her into an embrace before purposefully dimming the lights, the woman told police.
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“It was apparent from the beginning he had been drinking,” she claimed.
“The hug went on a bit too long and I was a bit taken aback by it. If it weren’t Al Gore I would have seriously questioned the situation right there because a hug from an unknown male client before a session is a bit odd and unprofessional."
The woman noted, “I was in a room with someone who was Teflon coated in terms of his credibility and celebrity status.”
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In the documents, that identify “Mr. Stone aka Gore, Al.” as the person of interest, the woman described her encounter with the Nobel Peace Prize winning environmental activist.
According to her account, Gore said he wanted his adductor (a large triangular muscle situated on the medial side of the thigh) worked on, and she knew that was a warning sign.
“I was taught that a massage of the adductors could cause an involuntary erection,” she said, later, for some reason, adding, “I even voted for him in the last election, although in truth I was more accurately voting against Bush.”
She said, “When I began doing the requested abdominal area he became vocal with muffled moans, etc.
“He began demanding that I go lower and massaging on the abdominal area. I was shocked. He further insisted and acted angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud. I went into much deeper shock as I realized it appeared he was demanding sexual favors.”
Describing herself as a Licensed Massage Therapist, the woman recounted a story of Gore progressing from moaning loudly during a massage, to launching a crazed attack, before breaking it off.
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He attempted to lure her into the bedroom where he threw himself on top of her, it was also alleged.
The woman said his behavior was angry and described that she felt like she was dancing “on the edge of a razor.”
“He bellowed at me... just scared the (bleep) out of me,” she said.
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“He was moaning, groaning, moving in a very suggestive way.”
She also described why she didn’t run out the room, claiming she was scared that if she did she would be shot or tased by the retired politician’s security detail.
However, when Detective Cheryl Daul, of Portland Police, questioned the masseuse further, she later admitted she saw no security in or near the hotel suite; a contradiction that she apparently did not grasp.
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After first being rebuffed, Gore tried another tactic, according to the woman, “pleading for the release of his second chakra” -- a euphemism for sexual activity, she claimed.
Instead, the woman said she tried a pressure point hoping it would make him sleepy.
When the session was over, the woman said she left the room to wash her hands. But as she was breaking down the massage table, Gore came over and “caressed my back, and buttocks and breasts.”
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She said, “I squirmed to try to get out of his grasp telling him to stop.”
She told him he was a “crazy sex poodle,” to which he giggled.
The woman claims she then distracted Gore – described as extremely overweight – with chocolates!
Then she says, he opened a small bottle of Grand Marnier, to wash them down.
“He then forced an open mouth kiss on me. I pushed back and said, ‘Stop it. You’re being way too frisky.’ I was distressed and shocked and terrified,” the massage therapist told police, reading from a prepared statement.
“I saw he was determined to have a sexual act with me.”
The woman alleged Gore tried to take off her top and then told her to come into the bedroom and listen to his iPod, a song by Pink “about the current president, Bush, that would shock me,” she told police.
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Gore then played Dear Mr. President and according to the police documents, that was the trigger for things to get even rougher.
“He immediately flipped me flat on my back and threw his whole body” on top of her, the woman suggested.
And in dialogue that sounds straight from a bad movie, the woman said she insisted, “Get off me you big lummox! I loudly yelled protested to him.”
She managed to throw Gore off her body, she claimed. But he grabbed her hand and then started singing along to the song in what she calls “bizarre karaoke.”
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She then asked him, “Just how long where you whacked out after the election?”
“He replied six-and-a-half years so far, just giggling his head off.”
As Gore kept trying to have sex with her, the woman said: “I told him I was sorry to disappoint him and he would just have to take matters into his own hands that night. He pleaded, grabbed me… tongue kissed me… rubbed my buttocks with his hand and fingers and rubbed himself against my crotch saying, ‘You know you want to do it.’”
She claimed she managed to break away from Gore and leave the hotel.
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At home, the woman “took a long, long warm shower trying to wash off the (laughter) unwanted touching and the trauma and I brushed my teeth for a long time to get out the Grand Marnier and Al Gore’s tongue and germs out of my mouth,” she told police.
In a moment reminiscent of the Bill Clinton / Monica Lewinsky scandal, the woman said she also noticed stains on the front of her pants. “I wondered if it was soap or bodily fluids from Gore pushing up against me repeatedly,” she said.
Those pants were saved in a bank safe deposit box, along with a chocolate bar with his fingerprints as evidence, she says.
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The woman told investigators she did not want to make money from the case. But the National Enquirer has said she is now trying to sell her story for $1 million and has retained a lawyer to help her cause.
“I only want justice," she said at the time of the interview.

"This is not just my story but this is the story of women in the world and how it is."
But serious questions about her version of events emerged during the interview.
The interview transcript revealed police appeared to trip her up when asking about payment.
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She claimed Gore reached for a pocket to pay her.
When the police persisted in this line of questioning, the woman realized that in the version of the story she had just told, Gore was in a bathrobe.
"If the complainant and the Portland Police Bureau wish to pursue the possibility of a criminal prosecution, additional investigation by the Bureau will be necessary and will be discussed with the Portland Police Bureau," Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schrunk said, in a statement Wednesday.
After interviewing the woman, the Police Bureau provided additional counseling services through its victim advocate program.
The case was not investigated further "because detectives concluded there was insufficient evidence to support the allegations.
Gore has not yet commented.