Sarah Palin And Husband Don't Sleep Together, Says Levi Johnston
Sept. 3 2009, Published 12:03 p.m. ET
Sarah Palin vehemently denied divorce rumors when they surfaced weeks ago, but now Levi Johnston has charged that the former Alaskan governor and her husband Todd don't sleep in the same room.
Levi, the father of a child with the Palin's daughter Bristol, has never held back in discussing the Palins and in the new issue of Vanity Fair he says: "I've never seen them sleep in the same bedroom. There was a lot of talk of divorce in that house and there were times when Sarah and Todd would mention it and sound pretty serious."
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And yes, there was plenty of divorce talk, says Levi.
"Sarah would say something, and I don't know how it would make Todd mad, but his anger would elevate so fast. Todd would say, 'All right, do you want a divorce? Is that what you want? Lets's do it! Sign the papers!'" Johnston told the magazine.
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Levi has had his clashes with the family, claiming they made it difficult in the past for him to see his baby. He's also told that the Palin's marriage was troubled from the beginning.
In his new interview he repeats allegations he first made to that Sarah stepped down to try to make more money. He also adds that there wasn't much parenting in the house and the kids cooked for themselves.