Rachael Ray On The Chopping Block? Celebrity Chef's Talk Show Ratings Plummet, Viewers Turning Their Backs

Aug. 29 2014, Published 7:14 a.m. ET
Rachael Ray's daytime talk show has already been renewed for a new season this fall, but RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned failing viewership has the celebrity chef on the chopping block.
The Rachael Ray Show debuted in 2006 and although it was renewed in 2013 for another two years, a top TV insider tells RadarOnline.com it will likely be the end.
"If it weren't for that renewal, Rachael's show likely would have been canceled after the current season," the source told RadarOnline.com.
"Ratings are way down and fans are turning on her."
According to current TV ratings for the week ending Aug. 17, Ray's numbers were down eight percent — landing her below Katie Couric's talk show, Katie, which was already axed!
Fan message boards have been blowing up this summer with criticism for Ray, 46, with many revealing they will no longer watch her show.
"There are times when her constant interrupting and loud to the point of screaming brings me to the point of turning the channel," one viewer wrote. "Does she realize there are (many) times when'd she doesn't allow her guests to talk without the need to tell a story about herself?"
Another chimed in, "This show has gotten sooooo off the mark, I can't watch anymore. RR, a reasonably good cook cannot stop talking long enough to turn a microwave on!! She interrupts EVERY GUEST, no matter what the topic, this authority on everything just wants to hear herself talk!
"I have often tuned in to hear how a 'celebrity chef' prepares a meal, only to hear her take over and 'talk over' every segment. I learned zero from the guest; my time was wasted; and I watched a rude interview in action. Enough is enough! Pull the plug on this show!! RR, stick to cooking in your personal line of cookware. I am no longer a fan!"
Ray's reputation wasn't helped any last December when her 77-year-old aunt Geraldine Dominica Scuderi died after mistakenly getting locked outside in freezing cold weather — and her famous niece did not attend the funeral because of "prior work commitments."
Instead, messages from Ray's Twitter account were sent out the day of the funeral with posts about cats, stew, and Cake Boss, with no mention of her deceased family member.

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