Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: 'Rat Droppings On Desks'

Nov. 21 2014, Published 5:45 p.m. ET
Critics slammed Vogue’s recent Kimye cover as “disgusting,” but what’s happening in the offices lately is even worse! has learned that New York City’s dirtiest rats have rolled out the red carpet to welcome Anna Wintour and Vogue staffers to their swanky new offices at the Freedom Tower. According to insiders, the pesky rodents have invaded the infamous accessories closet and made their presence known by leaving droppings on desks, computers, and pricey couture!
"The office is over-run and the Vogue staff is secretly whispering that the rats could be cosmic payback for Anna's decision to put Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the cover,” a Vogue staffer revealed. “There was so much backlash, and now this!"
Condé Nast and Vogue recently decamped from Times Square to the new digs at One World Trade Center, and the move has not gone off without a hitch.
Vogue occupies floors 25 and 26, and "this is where the rats have taken up residence,” a source said. "Condé Nast has floors 20 through 44, but the rats are confined to the Vogue floors only. Hey, New York City rats are smart: they know where the good stuff is!”
"The famed accessories closet, which was being put together with the designer wares from the old office, was taking shape when the rats got into it,” the source revealed. "There were droppings all over the floor, and some of the shoe boxes had been chewed into."
"The rats appear to have gotten in via the venting, which was being worked on even as staffers were moving in,” the source explained. "Walls were being moved to accommodate last-minute design changes by Anna and Condé Nast, and it's assumed this is how the rats got in.”
Now, the source said, "A strict no food or drinks policy at people's work stations has been issued until the infestation is gone.” (The source said pin-thin Wintour does, in fact, normally allow staffers to eat in the office.)
But meanwhile, "It's very unnerving to come to work in the morning, and find rat droppings on computers, and desks!” the source said. "Anna isn't amused and top pest control experts have been hired to get the problem dealt with quickly."

Gawker, which broke the story, says Wintour has told assistants that her pristine office must be rat-free before she enters.
New York City rats are notorious for being able to survive floods, snow storms, and any other force of nature....have they finally met their match in Anna?"
A rep for the magazine didn't immediately respond to request for comment.