VIDEO: CEO Bob Parsons: I 'Love Explaining Why It's A Good Thing To Help Starving People'

April 1 2011, Published 9:10 a.m. ET founder and CEO Bob Parsons on Friday was firing back at his critics, defending himself for an online video in which he gunned down an elephant in Zimbabwe he says was destroying crops, leading to starvation and death for natives of the African country.
Parsons tweeted Friday, "Over 10 nat'l interviews today. Will be on news tonight. Love explaining why it's a good thing to help starving people."
Parsons, an ex-Marine and Vietnam veteran, tweeted the controversial elephant clip on March 14, saying, "Just back from hunting problem elephant in Zimbabwe. Here's my vacation video. Enjoy."
In it, Parsons and a team of hunters, lurking in a field, shoot an elephant they claim had destroyed the area's crops three consecutive nights. At the end of the controversial clip, the CEO poses atop the fallen elephant; in the next sequence we see locals butcher and distribute the elephant's remains for consumption.
In response, PETA has called for a boycott on
The organization wrote on its' website: “Bob Parsons, the CEO of (a major Internet domain-hosting company), has killed at least one elephant and a leopard for his personal enjoyment.
“Parsons is hiding behind the lame claim that killing elephants helps farmers in Africa whose crops are damaged by the animals. In fact, there are ample effective and nonlethal methods to deter elephants from crops, including using chili-infused string and beehives on poles to create low-cost ‘fences.’
"Instead of coming up with flimsy excuses for killing these highly intelligent and social animals, Parsons should use his wealth to fund humane solutions to human/elephant conflicts.”
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