EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO: Mel Gibson Completely Loses It: 'B*tch, C*nt, Wh*re, Gold Digger!'

July 16 2010, Published 3:10 p.m. ET
WARNING: This audio may not be reproduced or republished.
Screaming, snarling and panting Mel Gibson completely loses it in new audio obtained and released exclusively by RadarOnline.com.
“B*tch, c*nt, whore, gold digger,” Mel yells at Oksana Grigorieva, the mother of his eight-month-old daughter.
And in this, the 5th tape released by RadarOnline.com, Gibson comes unhinged and shockingly claims that he is broke. The star has made tens of millions of dollars during his Hollywood career, but yells at Oksana, “I don’t have any f*cking money!”
With eight children and an ex-wife who got a considerable divorce settlement, Gibson blames Oksana for driving him into dire financial straights, all while panting and seeming to be on the verge of hyperventilating.
“F*ckin’ user! You f*ckin’ used me! I will never forgive you!” he yells and then audibly pants for several seconds during his crazed tirade.
At one point, Oksana fights back and says, “You are very mean,” and this sends Mel over the edge again. He launches into a boiling mad diatribe, saying:
“Yeah, you know what mean is now, don’t you? So don’t call me mean when I’m nice to you. Because I’d like to show you what mean really is. B*tch, c*nt, wh*re, gold digger! All true! You f*cking proved it to me! If you’re ever interested in proving otherwise, let me know. If you don’t care, I know you know what you are too.
“Look at yourself. And look what you’ve done. Look what you’ve f*cking done! Look at your son. He’s a f*cking mess. You f*cking excuse for a mother. You’re a f*cking bitch!”
At another point in the call, Mel sounds completely unglued as the subject of his support for Oksana’s music career comes up.
“Say thank you!!! Say thank you now!!!!,” he demands while yelling at the top of his lungs.
In addition to the actor losing control of himself, the content of the new audio is shocking for his claims of desperate financial problems.
Mel says he needs cash so badly that he has resorted to selling some of his artwork collection. He also says he had to give up his Los Angeles Lakers tickets.
“I don’t have any f*cking money! I have to support you and everybody else! I have to sell paintings. I have to sell my box at the Lakers game,” Gibson screams.
And as Oksana argues and challenges him Gibson says: “Do you need to ask for that? When you know what kind of trouble I’m in!”
It’s an amazing admission from a man long considered to be one of Hollywood’s wealthiest stars.
He yells at Oksana: “I spent too much goddamn money on you! And my wife knows! It’s you!”
Mel’s wife Robyn filed for divorce shortly after RadarOnline.com published the first photos of Gibson and Oksana last year.
But Oksana fights back on this newly released audio and at one points tells Mel: “I cannot be with somebody like this. You don’t love me. You don’t love me. This is not somebody that loves me. This is some completely off-balance person who absolutely hates me. Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?”
Mel is under investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department after Oksana accused him of domestic violence. She has told investigators that on Jan. 6 he punched her in the face, knocking out her two front teeth.
RadarOnline.com broke the story that Mel then got a handgun and waved it in her face after punching her. As she tried to leave his house he put the gun near her face and said: “I will show you how to get out of here fast,” which Oksana told law enforcement she believed was a death threat.
Oksana refers to Mel being violent on this new tape as she discusses trying to build a better relationship between Mel and her son.
“Your relationship with Sasha is so f*cked up because of your violence,” Oksana tells Mel. “I was trying to make amends between you and him. Not make amends, be a diplomat between you and him.”
Sasha is the nickname for Alexander, Oksana’s son by actor Timothy Dalton.
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Mel & Oksana Talk To RadarOnline.com In Happier Times
Oksana refuses to bend to Mel’s temper even as he progresses from a menacing tone to completely out of control panting. Here is that part of their conversation:
Mel: You used me and you are telling me and proving to me what you were and what I suspected! F*ckin’ user! You f*ckin’ used me! I will never forgive you! (crazed panting)
Oksana: It’s bullsh*t.
Mel: I will never forgive you for what you’ve done to me you f*cking bitch! (out of control)
Oksana: You ruined my life! And you didn’t give me a penny.
Mel: You ruined MY life first! I ruined your life? How did I ruin your life? I gave you sh*t! You gave me nothing but f*cking grief! Alright? And bad publicity, you c*nt! How did I ruin your life?

Oksana: You destroyed my reputation and you’re the meanest person I know.
MEL AUDIO TAPE #1: Mel’s Racist Rant
MEL AUDIO TAPE #2: Mel Gibson Admits Hitting Oksana, Threatens To Kill Her
MEL AUDIO TAPE #3: Another Mel Gibson Slur Caught On Tape In Crazed Rage
MEL AUDIO TAPE #4: Out Of Control Mel Gibson Says He'll Burn Down House After Demanding Sex
MEL AUDIO TAPE #5: Mel Gibson Completely Loses It: 'B*tch, C*nt, Wh*re, Gold Digger!'