Marital Affairs, Drug Abuse & Wild Teen Sex: 15 MORE ‘Duck Dynasty’ Secrets & Scandals

Dec. 29 2014, Updated 8:28 a.m. ET
While Duck Dynasty’s Robertson family promotes wholesome Christian values, one son secretly lived a much less Jesus-friendly existence. Former preacher Al Robertson, patriarch Phil and Miss Kay’s eldest child, and his longtime love Lisa rip the lid off their seemingly perfect life in their new book A New Season, in stores on January 6.

Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson on stage preaching a sermon to the masses at RedFest 2014

Al’s childhood with father Phil was far from easy. In the family’s town of Junction City, Arkansas, Phil— then a school teacher— began “drinking and carousing” with local men when Al, nearly 50, was just 4 years old. As a result, Al claims, is father became “abusive,” mostly verbally but at times physically. “I did get spanked on a regular basis,” he admits in the new tell-all.

Lisa, who grew up in West Monroe, Louisiana, where the Robertsons later relocated, also grew up with family troubles. Her older sister Barbara “had a terrible problem with alcohol,” she reveals. Barbara ultimately lost her battle with addiction, and left behind two children.

When Lisa was just 7 years old, she says she was molested by a drug-addicted male family member in her grandmother’s home. The abuse allegedly lasted for 7 years. “He did things that made me feel dirty, bad and used,” she writes, adding that her molester even abused her during her grandfather’s funeral services.
Lindsay Lohan and the A&E Upfront at Lincoln Center, NYC

After the Robertson family moved to Louisiana, Phil began managing a seedy bar— and the kids became exposed to dark activities. “As a young boy I had seen people having sex behind the bar,” Al recalls.

When Al was just 14 years old, he lost his virginity to a 16 year old girl. “I became sexually active for the first time...and that put me on a dangerous path that would not end for years,” he writes.
‘Duck Dynasty’ cast members have dinner in West Hollywood

Al and Lisa began dating when she was in tenth grade. While Willie Robertson’s 17-year-old daughter Sadie recently revealed she’s waiting until marriage to give up her virginity, Lisa got into bed with her first boyfriend at just 15. “He could tell I was willing to do anything to please him,” she says. “He just wanted me in a physical way.”

Al says he was so promiscuous in high school, he once clogged a former girlfriend’s toilet with condoms— then denied he had anything to do with the plumming crisis. “I basically said, ‘Yeah, that girl sure does sleep around. Can you believe all those condoms in the pipes? I mean, the reason I broke up with her is that she was sleeping with so many guys.’” Al says he told his parents.

Desperate to keep Al, Lisa confesses that she started partaking in his heathen lifestyle by smoking, drinking, using drugs and having sex. “I basically went from a ‘good girl’ to a wild child in a matter of a few months,” she admits.

When Al turned 17, he ditched Lisa and moved from West Monroe to New Orleans. Though he said he would be faithful, he soon started sleeping with a 26-year-old married nurse he met through work. Her husband caught them and beat Al with a crowbar!

Devastated by Al’s betrayal, Lisa began “having sex with anyone available,” she writes. And even men who weren’t exactly available. “I even ended up in fights with other girls because I slept with their boyfriends,” she confesses.
2013 A&E Networks Upfront at Lincoln Center in NYC

Though patriarch Phil has expressed his pro-life views, Lisa admits she once had an abortion as a teen during a relationship with an older man. “I had no idea what I was doing and never thought about the consequences of my decision,” she writes. “The abortion was more traumatic for me than I ever thought it would be.”

Years later, after Al and Lisa had married and welcomed two children, the proud dad received a shocking phone call. “I listened in disbelief as this woman told me that her husband had just confessed to an inappropriate relationship with Lisa,” he says. “At first, I refused to believe what the woman told me. But the more she talked, the less I could deny it.” Al and Lisa separated, but only for a couple of days.

The Christian couple faced another huge hurdle when Lisa began a secret sexual affair with an old boyfriend that lasted for more than a year. She was so burdened by guilt, she longed to die. “If I could just run my car into a tree or drive off a bridge ‘accidentally,’ this would all be over,” she recalls thinking in 1998.

In the summer of 1999, Al found proof of the affair through cell phone records. He kicked her out of the house, but later forgave her. “I have since learned that a healthy, honest relationship with God and an honest, working marriage are the bst defenses against affairs,” Al writes. “Lisa and I no longer keep secrets in our marriage. The results of that one decision...have been amazing.”

During her affair, Lisa admits she embezzled money from her husband’s company Duck Commander. “It was the only way I knew to fund the affair— buying him gifts, buying myself new clothes and expensive makeup,” she says. Her boss— and mother-in-law— Miss Kay eventually forgave her.