Inside The Diaries Of The Trench Coat Mafia — A Rare View Of The Columbine Shooting

April 16 2019, Updated 11:40 p.m. ET
Take a look inside the frightening diaries of twisted teens Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

April 20, 1999, Harris and Klebold, who called themselves the Trench Coat Mafia, pulled off one of the most notorious mass-murders in American history when they shot-up and firebombed Columbine High School.

The social outcasts turned to an online diary to share their darkest thoughts which would later lead to the massacre of 12 students and one teacher, and the injury of 21 other people.

In the diary, obtained by the National ENQUIRER, one post read, "I'll just go to some big ass city and blow up and shoot everything I can. Feel no remorse, no sense of shame."

As reported, Klebold's mom is still in denial after her son's unspeakable actions, which ended with his and his partner's suicide. However, the diary entries leave little room to doubt their horrifying state of mind. "I will rig up explosives all over a town and detonate each one of them at will after I mow down a whole expletive area full of you snotty ass rich mother expletive high strung godlike attitude having worthless pieces of expletive whores."

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE," another entry read, "When there is a group of expletive standing in the middle of a hallway or walkway, and they are just STANDING there talking and blocking my expletive way!!!! Get the expletive outta the way."

"Dead people can't do many things, like argue, whine b*tch, complain, narc, rat out, criticize, or even expletive talk."

The diary included disturbingly creative imagery of them inflicting pain on others.

I felt like getting a baseball bat, breaking it over his head, and then STABBING him with the broken end!!!!"

Even seemingly small annoyances were enough to send the Trench Coat Mafia into a rage.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE," another post read. "People who say wrestling is real!!! If you think that these matches aren't faked... I would love to know where you live so I can BOMB your expletive house and ACTUALLY BREAK YOUR ARMS!"

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!!? When people don't watch where THEY ARE expletive GOING! Next time that happens I will rip out 2 of your damn ribs and shove em into your expletive eye balls!!!!"

The teens even attacked young JonBenet Ramsey, the child beauty queen whose murder remains unsolved to this day.

"Jon binay how ever the expletive you spell her spoiled ass name Ramsee!!!! We don't care! Good riddens!!! What the expletive do you expect if you expletive put your kid in all these beauty pageants when she's 4 years old! SLUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!"

Finally, Harris and Klebold had a message to anyone who may have challenged their violent rants. "If you got a problem with my thoughts, come and tell me and I'll kill you, because... god d*mnit, DEAD PEOPLE DON'T ARGUE!"