Supreme Court FalloutTruck Driver Smashes Through Crowd Of Pro-Choice Activists As The Country Breaks Out In Widespread Protest Over Roe V. Wade Ruling

June 25 2022, Published 12:34 p.m. ET
As the country is split between relief and panic over the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, demonstrations have increasingly been interrupted with acts of violence and vandalism.
One incident occurred on Friday night when a driver of a black pickup truck drove through a small crowd of pro-choicers at a rally in Cedar Rapids.

Victims claimed the driver cut straight through the group, purposely tearing their signs out of their grip as they passed, despite them yelling for the person to stop and hitting the hood with their hands. One of the demonstrators found themselves in front of the vehicle and was nearly run over, while another suffered minor injuries after it appeared their foot was crushed by one of the truck's tires.
"The light was red and the truck got impatient for whatever reason and charged into the crowd," one of the victims explained in an interview with CBS2 in Iowa. "There was at least three people. I look over and see people trying to push the truck back and I just instantly got mad, ran over, tried to stop the truck ... He grabbed [and] ripped my sign, and push me down drove off and that was it."
This is only one of many incidents occurring all over the nation as pro-choice activists flood the streets demanding change from quiet demonstrations to burning flags. Authorities tear gassed a group of protesters who attempted to breach the State Senate building in Phoenix, Arizona. The staff was safely evacuated with no injuries.
Meanwhile, in New York, 25 people were arrested amid a demonstration of roughly 17,000 people as they marched through N.Y.C. through Times Square and Grand Central Station. Some protesters shouted to "burn it down" while passing News Corp headquarters, which is where Fox News is located, and at least one person spray painted the words "F*** Fox" on the building.

As previously reported, Roe V. Wade was overturned on Friday morning, June 24, after SCOTUS ruled 6-3 to end the long-running decision that protected women's rights to abortion on a federal level.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke out about the shocking ruling, admitting she was "heartbroken" for the country.
"When we don't understand our history. We are doomed to repeat its mistakes," she said in a statement. "This horrifying decision will have devastating consequences."