Watch Out, Kevin! Wendy Williams To Spill Affair Secrets In Tell-All Book

April 8 2019, Published 10:19 p.m. ET
There’s a reason Wendy Williams is being coy about the status of her marriage. has learned the talk show host is saving the good stuff for a tell-all book!
“Wendy plans to reveal everything in her book,” a source told STRAIGHT SHUTER’s Rob Shuter. “She isn’t going to give this (story) away for free.”
As readers know, Williams husband, Kevin Hunter, has reportedly been cheating on her for more than a decade with Sharina Hudson.
The shocking affair reportedly led Williams back to the bottle, and she checked into a sober recovery house in March. Now that she’s out, and back on the air, Williams is ready to spill her secrets…for a price, claimed the source.
“She knows everyone wants to know the truth about her private life, and if you buy a copy of her book, you will be able to read everything,” sources tell STRAIGHT SHUTER. “Wendy has been meeting with ghost-writers and publishers and is talking about an advance in the millions.”
The popular talker has in fact already addressed Hunter’s wandering eye in her 2001 memoir, Wendy’s Got The Heat, in which she recalled catching Hunter having an affair one month after their son was born.
Williams learned of the affair after catching Hunter on the phone with a mysterious female in the middle of the night.
“In those forty-five seconds my woman’s intuition kicked in and I knew he was on the phone with a lover,” she said in her book. “No woman deserves this. I wanted to kill him. I mean really kill him. For real. I wanted to kill him more because I was in the process of breaking my Number One Rule: No Cheating.”
At the time, Williams said she “couldn’t bail” on her marriage because she had just become a first-time mom. She has a lot more power in the relationship now, and friends aren’t worried she won’t end up on top.
“Don’t worry, she is a survivor,” Shuter’s source confessed. “And she knows exactly what she is doing.”
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