Presidential Election 2016
'How Do We Blame Someone Else?' Hillary Engineered Benghazi Cover-Up 'As Gunfire Was Still Raging'

July 27 2016, Updated 1:33 p.m. ET
Hillary Clinton spent critical hours during the deadly terrorist attack in Benghazi engineering an elaborate cover-up to save herself — rather than trying to save American lives!
That's just one outrageous revelation made by award-winning investigative reporter Kenneth R. Timmerman in his new book, Deception: The Making of The YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi.
"Hillary had received hundreds of security warnings from the State Department before the attack," Timmerman, a political activist and former Maryland congressional candidate, exclusively told
"When it happened, she realized she was responsible and went into full cover-up mode." has obtained an advanced copy of the book, which claim that the then-Secretary of State circled the wagons to create a cover story even as Americans were being fired upon in the attack!
"Hillary went into classic Clinton response mode and worked out 'How do we blame someone else?' And that was while the gunfire was still raging!" Timmerman said.
In researching the book, Timmerman combed through hundreds of pages of documents from the Benghazi Select Committee and Hillary's own private emails, and believes that they suggest that her first instinct was self-preservation.
"She gathered her team and hatched an action plan to cover her negligence instead of reacting to save the Americans who were under fire as they met," Timmerman told
One of her consultants, Sidney Blumenthal, suggested using The Innocence of Muslims, a film that contains a reference to the prophet Mohammed as a "child molester," as the reason for why the Libyan mob attacked the embassy.
"It had only come to his attention because a TV station in Cairo had broadcast it and someone had just tweeted the State Department's Twitter account to ask what it was about," Timmerman said.
Blumenthal issued a memo blaming the film for inciting demonstrations on the U.S. posts in Tripoli and Benghazi earlier in the day before the evening ambush.
But according to Timmerman, intelligence documents prove those demonstrations never took place!

Still, by 10:08 p.m., Clinton released a statement blaming the video for the violence. An hour later, she sent an email on her private server to her daughter, Chelsea — admitting the opposite to be true!
"Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda-like group," Clinton wrote.
Zimmerman said, "This is a lie that cost American lives! Hillary Clinton is not fit to be Commander-in-Chief!"