Running Scared! Lion Killer Walter Palmer Hires PR Firm After Public Outrage Over Slaying Of Beloved Animal

July 29 2015, Updated 1:56 a.m. ET
Dr. Walter J. Palmer has faced public outrage after the Minnesota resident killed a beloved African lion, Cecil, earlier this month. Now, has learned, the dentist has hired a PR firm to help deal with the fallout.
Police in Zimbabwe want to interview Dr. Palmer for the July 1 killing of Cecil, with a bow and arrow used by the dentist. Cecil was allegedly lured out of the protected national park by Dr. Palmer's bait.
After Cecil was hit, it took two more days to track him down, and shoot and kill him with a gun. The animal was then beheaded, and skinned.
Dr. Palmer's hunting companions have already been arrested and will appear in court next week in the African nation on illegal poaching charges.
After being publicly identified by the London Telegraph, Dr. Palmer hired J. Austin & Associates, a public relations firm.
In a statement issued by the public relations firm, Dr. Palmer stated, "In early July, I was in Zimbabwe on a bow hunting trip for big game. I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits. To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted."
"I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt," he continued. "I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt. I have not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or in the U.S. about this situation, but will assist them in any inquiries they may have. Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."
Cecil was 13-years-old had been wearing a radio collar as part of a research project, which was allegedly removed by the hunters after the kill.
Palmer has been previously convicted for poaching a bear in Wisconsin.
An avid hunter, Palmer brags of his conquests in photos posted online, posing with a dead leopard, another lion, and a rhinoceros, all killed with a bow and arrow.
The online backlash against Dr. Palmer has been swift and vicious, with comments flooding the Yelp page of his dental practice.

Among the statements, "You should be in jail, and you should hang your head in shame," "Shame on you, killing a majestic creature," and "Do not see a blood thirsty psychopath for dental work. He may decide to add your severed head to his mounted collection."
Sound off in the comment section below: Do you think Dr. Palmer should be arrested for killing Cecil?