University Pays $65,000 Speaking Fee For Chelsea Clinton Appearance When They Couldn't Afford Hillary

July 27 2015, Updated 12:34 p.m. ET
The world of Twitter erupted this week when news got out that the University of Missouri at Kansas had paid $65,000 in 2014 to have Chelsea Clinton appear for an event.
According to the Washington Post, the university had originally asked mother Hillary Clinton to attend the gala luncheon, but when they received word of her $275,000 speaking fee, they opted for the next best thing.
Despite the supposed payday for Chelsea, the famed daughter's spokesperson maintains that, as with Hillary Clinton's appearances, Chelsea made no personal income from the gig.
Instead, they insisted, her fee went to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Unfortunately for the political family empire, this story will still bring on plenty of bad press.