Developments In Terrorist Group Beheadings: Obama Pledges To 'Degrade & Destroy’ ISIS, Biden Vows To 'Follow Them To The Gates Of Hell' For Justice

Sept. 3 2014, Published 2:39 p.m. ET
After the beheading of a second American journalist by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden spoke out Wednesday vowing to avenge the “terrible crime against these two fine young men."
"Our objective is clear, and that is to degrade and destroy ISIL so that it's no longer a threat — not just to Iraq, but also the region and to the United States," Obama said, using another acronym for the militant group.
"We will not be intimidated. Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. And those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget, and that our reach is long and that justice will be served."
Biden also spoke during an appearance in Maine, vowing to follow the terrorist group "to the gates of hell" seeking justice.
"As a nation, we're united. And when people harm Americans, we don't retreat, we don't forget," Biden said.
"We take care of those who're grieving and when that's finished they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. Because hell is where they'll reside."
Comments from the leaders of America come after the United States verified the authenticity of a video that was released on Tuesday, showing the beheading of freelance journalist Steven Sotloff — just two weeks after journalist James Foley was killed the same way.
As previously reported, SITE Intelligent Group transcribed the video of Sotloff's beheading in which he says he is “paying the price” for U.S. intervention in Iraq and appears alongside the same masked man who appeared in Foley’s video. The mystery killer allegedly says, “I’m back, Obama, and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State…”
"His killers try to claim that they defend the oppressed, but it was Steven who traveled across the Middle East, risking his life to tell the story of Muslim men and women demanding justice and dignity," Obama continued.

"Whatever these murderers think they'll achieve by killing innocent Americans like Steven, they have already failed. They have failed because, like people around the world, Americans are repulsed by their barbarism."