Michael Brown Jr.’s Father Requests ‘Day Of Silence’ To Bury His Son

Aug. 25 2014, Published 8:06 a.m. ET
With Michael Brown Jr.’s funeral taking place later today, all his father wants is a day of rest in Ferguson, Mo.
Requesting that the protests stop for 24 hours, the victim’s father appealed to the crowd at a peace rally Sunday that the citizens of his town honor his son in a nonviolent way.
“All I want is peace while my son is being laid to rest,” he said at the rally. “Can you please, please, take a day of silence so we can lay our son to rest? Please. It’s all I ask.”
Brown’s funeral and burial will be at a Baptist church in St. Louis. Thousands of mourners are expected to turn out to honor the late 18-year-old, whose death at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson has sparked violent protests over the past few weeks.
Despite the protests taking a more organized turn, racial tensions remain high as people remember Brown, who was unarmed at the time of his killing.
During Sunday’s rally Brown was joined on stage by parents of other shooting victims, including Trayvon Martin’s parents. Martin was shot and killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Florida last year.