Kate Gosselin's 'Reality' TV Voice-Overs Revealed, Despite Denials The Show Is Scripted

July 29 2014, Published 7:17 a.m. ET
Kate Gosselin has been quoted as saying her family’s reality TV show was not scripted, but tell-all book author Robert Hoffman claims to have obtained voice-over dialogue for the mother-of-eight – and RadarOnline.com has all the exclusive details.
In 2011 Gosselin, 39, appeared on The Talk and said, “We’re not scripted. You heard me. We are not scripted. We’re living. The kids run in and out of the frame and they just live.”
But author of Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World, Robert Hoffman, claims that “after a little digging” – he’s admitted to going through the family’s garbage – he found proof that parts of Jon & Kate Plus 8 were scripted.
The following are what Hoffman calls “‘scripted,’ voice-over assignments, written for and given to Kate, telling her exactly what to say” on the hit TLC show during two early episodes of the series.
“So we thought it might be fun to take them to have their head shots taken.”
“But before we left for the photo shoot, we had our Saturday pancake breakfast, which has now become a Gosselin family tradition.”
“After pancake breakfast, there was a bit of a potty training party happening in the laundry room.”
“After pancake breakfast, a potty training session began, that was somewhat supervised by Mady and Cara.”
“Not surprisingly, Joel didn’t manage to use the potty that day.”
“Aunt Jodi, my brother’s wife, is coming over today to get the twins suitcases.”
“Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi are coming tonight. They’re bringing Cara and Mady with them. And our friend Beth will be there as well.”
“I had planned the dinner for after the babies went to bed, and a neighbor came over to sit while they were sleeping.”
“We had a plane to catch to Florida, and there we were stuck in the snow.”
“Jodi and Kevin have 4 kids of their own, and Cara and Mady really love spending time with their cousins.” (or something like this)
“So Jodi helped them bake cobweb cookies and meringue puffs” (is that what they were?)
Hoffman admits the entire show didn’t appear to be scripted “in the strictest sense of the word” but points out that they were still given pre-written ideas of what they were supposed to say throughout the entire show.
In fact, he describes the show as “totally scheduled with story lines planned in advance” and says that Kate was given her schedule for the week to let her know where her family would be going.
“There was absolutely nothing ‘organic,’ normal, or natural about the Gosselin children being filmed,” Hoffman writes.
During a Q&A special with Jon and Kate producers asked the couple, “Would you say that the show that we do is realistic?”

“Yes. It’s very realistic. There’s no scripting,” Kate quickly responded.
“There’s a plan about this is what we want to get. Right, that’s important for us to let people know we aren’t hiding anything. Our goal is to show people how hard this job is.”
What do you think about Jon & Kate Plus 8 and other reality TV shows in general – scripted or not? Sound off in the comments below…