Money, Money, Money! 'Octo-Mom' Still Cashing In On Government Assistance — Even After Being Charged With Welfare Fraud

Jan. 28 2014, Published 6:35 a.m. ET
Despite being charged with three felony counts of welfare fraud, Nadya 'Octo-Mom' Suleman is still receiving government assistance to support her brood, is exclusively reporting.
The chrges come on the heels of’s exclusive report revealing financial records in which the single mother-of-14 was shown to have earned much more than legally allowed for her to also be collecting welfare.
Suleman is capped at pocketing $119,000 in a calendar year, but financial records showed she took home $150,248.77 in 2012.
According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, Suleman failed to report nearly $30,000 in earnings while raking in the public assistance in 2013.
The single mom had been collecting welfare in Los Angeles County, but after being evicted from her Palmdale, Calif. rental last year, moved to Orange County, and began collecting government assistance.
"Nadya applied for welfare in Orange County when she moved last year...she is currently receiving at least $2,000 in benefits monthly," a source told
"She hasn't had steady employment and relies on welfare to pay her bills. There is no indication at this point that she is under any scrutiny in Orange County."
As exclusively reported last year, an investigation by the Los Angeles County Department of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation (WFP&I) exposed how Octo-Mom made $33,256.77 from her “self-pleasure” film.
The 37-year-old also received $58,680 from an Encino, Calif.-based media organization, while another firm forked over $57,499.00 for her services, according to 1099 documents provided to WFP&I and seen exclusively by
This income was for Octo-Mom’s appearance on HD Net’s Celebridate, various image deals, interviews sold to media around the world, commercial appearances — and her appearance at a strip club in Florida, investigators uncovered.

Meanwhile, Suleman pled not guilty to the felony welfare charges, and the DA hopes to reach a settlement with her instead of sending her to prison.
Suleman's attorney didn't immediately respond to request for comment.