It Fell On Deaf Ears: Jenelle Evans' Mom Warned 'Teen Mom 2' Star Not To Cheat On Estranged Hubby... But She Got Pregnant Anyway

Jan. 27 2014, Published 7:00 a.m. ET
Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her boyfriend Nathan Griffith's baby — but she's still married, remember?
In a preview for an upcoming episode of the hit MTV show her mom Barbara reminds her she's still married to estranged hubby Courtland Rogers and warns her not to cheat.
“Have you talked to Dustin Jenelle’s attorney?” Barbara asked, referring to her recent arrest.
Jenelle had. “Yeah I talked to him and he said that these are serious charges and they might require jail time,” she said.
Like Babs is known to do, she once again lectured Jenelle about her mistakes.
“Getting charged with felonies, it’s going to ruin your life, forever,” she said.
“I know that,” Jenelle replied. “I just really wish that I could get all this stuff behind me because I just had the abortion. Now I have this court stuff to deal with and I just want to start out fresh.”
Barbara agreed.
“Well I think that would be a good idea, Jenelle,” she said. “I think it’s time for you to grow up and start doing something with your life. You should go out and get a part-time job to be out there, to meet people.”
Jenelle then revealed that she had met a new guy “online… on a dating app.”
“A dating app? Why would you do that? You’re married,” Barbara said.
Jenelle tells her mom that she is separated and that she was planning on meeting a man named Nathan who is an underwear model.
“His name’s Nathan and he plays football,” Jenelle said. “He goes to college. He works at a resort. He’s an underwear model too.”
“He wants to meet you?” Babs asked, shocked.
Jenelle confirmed it again for her mom and revealed that Nathan was going to take her miniature golfing.
“Don’t cheat,” Barbara warned. “You always cheat. You run ahead of everybody, throw the ball in the hole and say it’s a hole-in-one. Don’t do that. Make a good impression.”