Jodi Arias Tweets About Suicide, Claims She Would Have Agreed To Plea Deal Years Ago

May 7 2013, Published 6:59 a.m. ET
Murder suspect Jodi Arias, via a friend tweeting on her behalf Monday night, admitted she's contemplated suicide, would have accepted a plea deal "years ago," and took a shot at venerable broadcast journalist Nancy Grace.
TWITTER SCREEN GRABS: Jodi Arias Tweets About Contemplating Suicide
After jurors in the first-degree murder trial deliberated for their first full day on Monday, the 32-year-old, through her friend, sent out four tweets that read:
I would have signed a plea years ago to avoid this disaster, but I was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.
I wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. My only other option was suicide and,well...
Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.
N. DisGrace has set back the cause of all women who have survived domestic violence. Her circus makes a mockery of something very serious.
As we previously reported, prosecutors claim Arias, a waitress/photographer, brutally killed her former lover Travis Alexander in a jealous rage on June 4, 2008 by cutting his throat, stabbing him in the heart and shooting him in the head.
Arias said she was defending herself from Alexander, who had subjected her to bouts of domestic violence in their relationship.
She has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. If convicted, she could face the death penalty or life in prison.
The jury will continue its deliberations on Tuesday; stay with for up-to-the-minute details.