Arias' Mom Told Police During Tearful Interrogation, 'Jodi Has Mental Problems'

April 3 2013, Published 2:50 p.m. ET
For the past three months, murder defendant Jodi Arias' mother has sat quietly in the courtroom listening to horrific and often X-rated testimony without showing an ounce of emotion - but newly released video shows the nightmare that she has endured for years coping with what she termed, her daughter's "mental problems."
In the videotaped police interview with Sandra Arias in the weeks after Travis Alexander's body was found butchered at his Arizona home in June 2008, the heartbroken mom breaks down in floods of tears as she reveals details of how she feared Jodi was spiraling out of control.
"I feel like I am going to puke," sobbed Sandy as Detective Esteban Flores delivered the devastating news about her daughter's suspected crime.
"We have a lot of evidence to put her there. She is not willing to explain any of it," he told the distraught mom.
"I talked to her, she told me she was going to Utah. Then she came back. She was fine, she said she spent a lot of time with some friends in Utah," explained Sandy in the interrogation tape obtained by HLN's Dr. Drew on Call.
"How can someone who did this come back and act normal?" She asked Detective Flores in confusion as she tried to wrap her head around the conflicting stories her daughter had been telling everyone.
"Jodi has mental problems," Sandy went on to tearfully confess. "Jodi would freak out all the time. I had quite a few of her friends call me and tell me I needed to get her some help. We don't have a good relationship, me and Jodi," she admitted.
Early on in her marathon testimony, the 32-year-old suspect had dropped a dramatic bombshell in the Maricopa County Courtroom when she claimed that her parents physically abused her growing up.
“My mother carried a wooden spoon in her purse,” she testified, alleging that mom Sandy hit her and her brother, leaving welts. She also said her father – a man so strong he could bench press 525 pounds – hit her with a belt from age 7 and one day knocked her unconscious by pushing her into a door frame.
“He would shove me into furniture…piano, desk…one time I hit a door post,” Arias calmly and methodically told the court. “The side of my face hit a doorpost and knocked me out. I remember waking up and my mother was telling him to be careful.” She said, claiming she was 17 years old at the time.
While Sandy has been present at the harrowing trial every day, her father, William Arias, has been a rare sight due to his own poor health. And, he told a very different tale of his daughter during his taped interrogation with cops.
"Sometimes she'd call real sweet, and 10 minutes later, she'd call in a rage, you know, just screaming at my wife. She did that over the last year and a half," William told Flores.
As previously reported, Jodi lived up to her parents' description of her worrying mental state during previously released videos of her own police integration with baffling and bizarre behavior where she sings, laughs, talks about her makeup, and even does a 20-second handstand immediately after a prosecutor leaves the room following a four hour grilling.

The trial continues, stay with for regular updates and daily live-streaming.