Travis Alexander Killed In 'Mormon Blood Atonement Plot,' Claims Jodi Arias Friend
March 8 2013, Published 5:06 p.m. ET
Murder suspect Jodi Arias has already changed her story twice when it comes to how Travis Alexander died on June 4, 2008, and now her close friend is claiming the brutal killing was a Mormon “blood atonement plot.”
“Jodi never actually killed Travis - the Mormons actually killed Travis!” Bryan Carr, who regularly visits the murder defendant in Estrella Jail, in Phoenix, Arizona, tells in an exclusive interview.
“In the Mormon faith, they have a thing called a blood atonement that the bishop will practice on people high in the church like Travis was if sex sins or adultery were committed,” he explained.
“They believe that it washes away your sins and use a scapegoat — in this case, Jodi - to protect the religion,” says Carr, who is not a member of the LDS church.
“The reason her stories are so shaky on the stand and the reason why she has this lying problem is that because she is making up the story as she goes along,” claims her pal, before dropping another bombshell accusation.
“If Jodi went on the stand and said that it wasn’t her and that the Mormons did this, then they will go after her and her family – their lives are on the line so she is covering up her story.”
Carr claims that in the traditional killing ritual the leaders “slice your throat from ear to ear - just like Travis - they shoot you in the head, and stab you in the heart and in the back. There are too many similarities to his death,” he claimed.
While his story sounds farfetched, there is evidence that Brigham Young, the second prophet of the Mormon Church, publicly preached a doctrine called ‘blood atonement.’
“There are sins that men commit for which they cannot receive forgiveness in this world, or in that which is to come,” he preached in an 1856 sermon. "This is loving our neighbor as ourselves; if he needs help, help him; if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved, spill it…."
However, there is no forensic evidence or any other witness accounts to suggest that Travis was killed in such a ritual and not at the hands of Arias, as she has claimed she did in self defense after he allegedly attacked her.
The trial continues on Wednesday, March 13, stay with for regular updates and daily live-streaming.