Should Have Worn A Mask! Full-Face Tattoo Makes America's Dumbest Criminal Easy To Remember

March 11 2013, Published 7:43 p.m. ET
A not-so-master criminal should have considered wearing a balaclava before attempting to pull-up off a high-profile heist!
With a creepy skeleton tattoo covering his entire face, 24-year-old Adam Roberts was easy to pick out of a line-up after he allegedly stole thousands of dollars worth of property from dozens of storage units in Godfrey, Illinois, is reporting.
According to the St. Louis Dispatch, around $1,000 of the swiped goods have already been recovered, and now police are hoping the foolish felon's distinctive artwork will help spark the memories of people who inadvertently bought his stolen booty.
"There probably isn't another guy out there with that tattoo," said Capt. Mike Dixon of the Madison County Sheriff’s Department. "So if they bought something from someone with a skull tattoo in the St. Louis area, it's probably this guy.
“It’s the oddest thing I’ve ever seen in 20-plus years of law enforcement,” added the perplexed detective, describing the suspect's tattoo that would give Mike Tyson a run for his money.
"I’ve seen horns on foreheads and stars on necks, but I’ve never seen a skull on a face."
Among the pricey items allegedly stolen by Roberts that are still missing are black compact refrigerators, televisions, fishing equipment, professional wrestling DVDs, paintings, antique chests of drawers and a sewing machine.
He has been charged with three felony burglary counts related to the thefts that were discovered last month and is currently jailed on $600,000 bond.