‘I’ll Kill You B*tch!’ Jodi Arias Dramatic Testimony About Killing Travis Alexander After Final Brutal Fight

Feb. 20 2013, Published 1:53 p.m. ET
UPDATE: 5:35 PM EST: Jodi Arias' attorney Kirk Nurmi said he is done questioning her. Court is over for the day.
UPDATE: 3:55 PM EST: When "told" that Travis Alexander was dead, Jodi Arias pretended not to know but began crying hysterically, she testified Wednesday after the noon break in her death penalty trial. "I started sobbing really hard and I couldn’t stand up," she said. "I was hoping the whole thing wasn’t real and that it was just a nightmare." Sobbing at times, she continued to testify about her actions in the aftermath of killing Alexander, after a morning court session where she detailed how and why she took his life.
Crying and sometimes barely audible as she answered questions, Jodi Arias described killing former boyfriend Travis Alexander in dramatic, gripping testimony Wednesday in an Arizona courtroom.
“He said, ‘I will f***ing kill you, b*tch,” Arias testified, telling the jury that the fatal encounter was triggered when she dropped the victim’s camera on the tile floor of his bathroom after a sexually themed photo shoot.
Facing the death penalty, Arias told jurors she ran out of the bathroom into a large closet and grabbed a gun she knew Alexander kept on a high shelf. She recounted in explicit detail shooting her on-again off-again boyfriend but claimed that she did not immediately remember stabbing him.
Alexander was shot in the face, stabbed 27 times and had his throat slit.
“When I grabbed the gun I ran out of the closet,” she said about their final encounter, wiping her eyes. He threatened to kill her while cursing at her after he tackled her and the gun went off. Arias said at that point she broke away from him.
After dropping Alexander's camera on the bathroom floor, Arias says the victim became enraged and chased her, so she ran into a closet and grabbed a gun.
“He was chasing me, I turned around and pointed it (the gun) at him with both of my hands,” she said.
“He kept running, like a linebacker.
“I didn’t mean to shoot him or anything. I didn’t even think I was holding the trigger,” she said in the trial’s most riveting testimony.
“I didn’t even know I shot him. It just went off. He lunged at me and we fell really hard.
“I didn’t even know he had been shot. We were struggling and wrestling and he was getting on top of me and I didn’t want him to get on top of me.
"So he's grabbing at my clothes and I got up, and he's screaming angry, and after I broke away from him. He said 'f*****g kill you bitch.'"
Arias then said that Alexander previously had nearly killed her and she feared for her life before killing him. But while she described shooting him with detailed clarity, she claimed she could not immediately remember stabbing him.
“There are a lot of gaps. I have no memory of stabbing him,” Arias said as her attorney gently led her through the testimony.
“Do you remember dragging him across the floor,” she was asked and was barely audible when she answered, “no, I just remember trying to get away from him.
“I have a few memories…I have a vague memory of putting the knife in the dishwasher but I’ve put the knife in the dishwasher before,” she said describing the knife that she used to stab Alexander.
But she claimed to have no immediate recollection of stabbing Alexander. “I was in the bathroom. I remember dropping the knife,” she testified. “It clanged to the tile and made a big noise.
“I just remember screaming. And I don’t remember anything after that -- not immediately.”
Arias described driving away from Alexander’s house and why she didn’t call 911.
“I was scared,” she said. “I couldn’t imagine calling 911 and telling them what I had just done. I was scared of what would happen to me. “
Arias’ memory seemed to return when she detailed her road trip through the desert - a trip she embarked on right after killing Alexander.
“I knew I had messed up pretty badly and it was not something I could not run from. I was very upset, I just wanted to die,” said Jodi, who tried to cover her tracks as long as possible. "I knew that my life was pretty much over."
First she made sure her phone was charged and then she called Ryan Burns and her friend Leslie in Utah to tell them she was running late. Leslie told her to call Travis as they had left a voice mail for him looking for Jodi.
“I thought that maybe I should leave a voice mail, I didn’t know what to say… I was crying but I was trying to sound cheery, so I would hit 'pound' and delete it and try again,” said Jodi, describing the messages she left for the man she had just killed.
Eventually she left one that she was satisfied with and hoped “this would throw the scent off.
“I figured that to keep up the pretense, I had to stick to the schedule and part of that was arriving in Utah and then I could go home,” Arias explained.

Once she arrived, “I tried to act as normal as possible. I was just trying to act like myself.” She kissed and cuddled with Ryan while they watched a scary movie, went to a meeting and dinner, and then caught a few hours sleep before heading back to Yreka, California to make her shift at work.
“I tried to act like nothing had happened and waited for the clock to tick down,” she said.
Despite her act, Jodi claims she wasn’t without remorse and contemplated joining Travis in death.
“I took steps to (suicide), I bought gun,” she told the court. “I was on the fence about suicide… but knew that I was going to be arrested.”
Arias is still on the stand. You can watch her testimony here and stay with RadarOnline.com for the latest updates.