Sandy Hook Killer's Mother Was A Survivalist, Preparing For Economic Collapse

Dec. 16 2012, Published 5:40 a.m. ET
Nancy Lanza was a survivalist, who may have owned the weapon her son used to kill her as part of her stockpiling of supplies for the the economic collapse she thought the country was facing, according to a close family member.
Speaking from her home near Chicago, Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha Lanza, told reporters , "She was stockpiling food. We talked about prepping a lot. She was getting ready for the economic collapse. I think she had the guns for self-defense because she lived alone."
As has been reporting, Nancy Lanza's 20-year-old son, Adam Lanza, shot his mother in the face, killing her, before going to the nearby Sandy Hook School, where he murdered 20 students and six staff members before turning a gun on himself.
The three weapons -- a Sig Sauer and a Glock, both semiautomatic handguns, and a .223 Bushmaster, a military-style assault weapon -- all belonged to his mother. It is believed she owned at least five, possibly more, high-powered weapons and was considered an avid gun collector who taught her two sons to shoot.
Adam Lanza's parent divorced in 2009, and numerous sources have reported that he'd been estranged from his father, Peter, and his brother, Ryan, at least since 2010.
"Nancy was self-reliant," The Hartford Courant quotes Marsha Lanza as saying. "The only reason she would have guns was for self-defense."
Law enforcement officials have said they believe Nancy Lanza was likely still asleep when her son came into her bedroom -- carrying one of her own guns -- and murdered her.
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