Casey Anthony Can't Get Book Deal, Publishers Wary Of Public Backlash

June 27 2012, Published 3:00 p.m. ET
By Jen Heger - Assistant Managing Editor
Casey Anthony is having an extremely difficult time trying to find a publisher who's willing to release her memoir because of fear of backlash from the public, is exclusively reporting.
As we previously reported, Anthony's former attorney, Jose Baez, has written his own tell-all book, Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story, which is going to be released on Tuesday, July 3.
"Casey's camp have been in talks with major publishers in New York City, Los Angeles, and Seattle, and the response has been lukewarm at best. All of the publishers have expressed reluctance to work with Casey Anthony because of the anticipated backlash from the public. Casey was recently voted one of the most hated people in the United States, and the publishers are aware of this. Casey has a story to tell, and wants to get it out there, but it's looking like it's going to be a laborious process to lock down a deal for her," a source close to the situation tells us.
Meanwhile, Glenn Yeffeth of Ben Bella, the publisher who released Jose Baez and Rielle Hunter's memoirs, tells exclusively, "We would be very cautious about working with Casey Anthony. Working with Jose Baez is very different from releasing a book by Casey Anthony because he wasn't accused of killing a child. Jose has a very compelling story to tell, and that is why we agreed to publish his book." Yeffeth went on to say that they aren't in talks with Casey Anthony or her camp.
Anthony sort of broke her silence recently when she spoke briefly to CNN's Piers Morgan. The infamous "Tot Mom" spoke to Morgan on the telephone for ten minutes, and the Brit subsequently shared her comments with his viewers. "If anything, there's nothing in this world I've ever been more proud of, and there's no one I loved more than my daughter," Morgan recounted Casey saying, going on to say she called Caylee her "greatest accomplishment." Casey also told Morgan that she's "ashamed in many ways" of her former behavior, but at 26 -- and having "gone through hell" -- she's matured.

Last summer, Anthony was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but was convicted of several misdemeanor charges of lying to law enforcement. She remains in hiding in Florida, on probation.
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