Casey Anthony Doesn't Want To Show At Civil Trial Citing 'Great Danger'

March 12 2012, Published 2:30 p.m. ET
By Amber Goodhand - Reporter
Casey Anthony's attorney's don't want her to show up for a civil trial next month because they say her life is in danger.
Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman who's name was dragged through the mud when Casey implicated her in Caylee Marie Anthony's disappearance, has her legal team trying to get Casey's address so they can subpoena her.
But Casey's attorneys, Cheney Mason and Charles Geene, asked Judge Lisa Munyon not to reveal Casey's secret whereabouts stating she will be in grave danger if she has to show her face in public because threats have been made to her and her family.
"The media and public want her here for reasons that have nothing to do with justice," Greene said during a press conference in Florida on Monday.
Zenaida's attorney noted that they don't need Casey's address, and could just subpoena her through her legal team.
"It's interesting that they're taking this extreme position. Clearly she doesn't want to come to the courthouse, but guess what, that is an issue," Zenaida's attorney John Dill said.
"We have a right to have her there. She's making a choice of her own not to testify."
The judge granted them the right to subpoena Casey, but explained they cannot force her team to accept the paperwork on her behalf.
Casey's legal team questioned what kind of protection would be made available for their client during the trial if she were to show up.
Zenaida is suing Casey for defamation of character after Casey fingered a woman by the same name as being Caylee's nanny — which was later proven false — and kidnapping her.
Casey has been hiding out at a secret location since she was found not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter in July 2011.
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