Casey Anthony’s Attorneys Formally File Probation Appeal

Aug. 17 2011, Published 10:45 a.m. ET
Casey Anthony's lawyers have formally filed an appeal asking that Judge Belvin Perry's order for Anthony to return to Orlando by next week, be vacated, is reporting.
Perry determined that Anthony had to report to Florida Department of Corrections by August 26, which would monitor her one year of probation, stemming from her guilty plea to 13 charges in a check fraud case.
In a verdict that stunned America, Casey was acquitted of her daughter, Caylee's murder last month.
Casey's attorneys state in court docs that Judge Perry's order: "Ignores the fact that the Defendant did, in fact, actually serve her term of probation and was subject to the threat of violation of probation if she, for instances, wrote a letter of apology to the victim had a physical altercation with a correctional officer or another inmate, or was in the possession of contraband."
The appeal is under submission to the three judge panel.
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