Casey Anthony's Jail Spokesman Lashes Out At Radar, Nancy Grace And Jane Velez Mitchell

July 8 2011, Published 1:00 p.m. ET
By Jen Heger - Legal Editor
Allen Moore, the spokesman for the Orange County Corrections Department in Florida where Casey Anthony is incarcerated, has lashed out at Nancy Grace, Jane Velez Mitchell and contacted Allen Moore for comment regarding Casey Anthony's stay at the facility and our inquiry was met with a blistering attack.
Moore responded via e-mail: "There is no public record that would be responsive to your general request. Orange County Corrections will not answer any questions from RadarOnline.
"We will only accept your public records request and provide public records that may exist as required under Florida Statute 119."
When asked why, Mr. Moore responded: "This how we respond to clearly tabloid-style publications; i.e. Nancy Grace Show, Jane Valez Mitchell Show… Globe, and others."
Moore went on to state that he had an issue with's past reporting of Casey Anthony while behind bars.
Moore explained that his office was under no obligation to answer any of our questions, if he so chooses: "There is nothing in Florida law that requires our agency ever to answer questions of a reporter or media outlet unless we choose to do so. Our only legal duty is to accept requests for public records and honor them."
In a stunning verdict on Tuesday, a Florida jury acquitted Casey Anthony of first degree murder, manslaughter and aggravated child abuse. They did, however, find her guilty of four misdemeanor counts of lying to police.
Anthony will be released from jail on Sunday, July 17.
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