Casey Anthony Trial: Radar To Live Stream Testimony On Friday; Recap Of Thursday's Court Action

May 26 2011, Published 8:00 a.m. ET
Testimony resumes Friday morning in the Casey Anthony murder trial in Orlando, Florida, and once again, will be live streaming the proceedings as soon as it starts at 9am ET.
On Thursday, during the third day of testimony in the explosive trial, a witness revealed that she heard Casey boasting about what a good liar she is.
A woman named Melissa England dated a friend of Casey’s and testified that she was in the car with Casey, shortly after she allegedly murdered her young daughter, over the Fourth of July weekend in 2008.
She said Casey was on the phone with someone while they were in the car and when she hung-up she threw her phone on the dashboard and said: “Oh my God, I am such a good liar!”
Casey’s ex-boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro also testified, stating that Casey had revealed a “secret” to him before she was arrested, but the surprise was that she had been “felt up” by her brother, Lee Anthony. He also said Casey told him her father had “hit her.”
Casey is on trial for the murder of her little two-year-old daughter Caylee Marie, who prosecutors say she killed in 2008 and then lied about it for months, reporting her as missing, to cover-up her crime.
Casey’s defense attorney, Jose Baez, dropped the bombshell that Caylee was never actually missing and that she had actually drowned in the family pool on June 16, 2008.
Baez went on to claim that Casey’s father, George Anthony, was there that day and helped his daughter cover-up Caylee’s death.
Baez also claimed that in addition to her brother, Casey was also sexually abused by her father, a claim he vehemently denied under oath.
After Caylee was finally reported missing, a massive search was launched, and her disappearance quickly became national news.
The child's decomposed remains were found five months later by a meter reader in a wooded area not far from where she lived with her mother and grandparents.

If Casey is convicted of first degree murder she could be sentenced to death.
Stay tuned, will be live streaming the hearing Friday.
Casey Anthony Testimony – She Never Told Friends Caylee Was Missing
LIVE STREAM: Casey Anthony Trial – Daughter Caylee Drowned, Says Defense Attorney
VIDEO: Heckler Yells Casey Anthony 'Killed Somebody' During Jury Selection