VIDEO: Charlie Sheen On Castmates: 'It'd Be So Nice To Have The Support Of Somebody'
May 28 2018, Updated 10:15 a.m. ET
A more subdued Charlie Sheen appeared on Access Hollywood Tuesday morning where he admitted it'd be nice to hear from some of his Two and a Half Men castmates and has the video.
"It'd be so nice to have the support of somebody," Sheen said when asked by host Billy Bush if he'd heard from co-stars Jon Cryer or Angus T. Jones.
READ CHARLIE SHEEN’S TOXICOLOGY RESULTS: Charlie Sheen Passes Blood & Urine Drug Test
"I also feel like it would be nice if a statement came out from him Cryer or Angus or Jamie Widdoes director or somebody."
Bush suggested the actor pick up the phone himself and reach out to those he's asking for support from.
"I'll do it as soon as we're done," Sheen promised.
"I'm gonna continue to do the right thing...I will make some phone calls, yes, I will. I'm open to all ideas, good."
Although Sheen told that his father, Martin Sheen, made comments about him that are "rooted in b***ocks," he stated on Tuesday that his door is always open to a visit from his dad.
"I put him on the list at the gate. He can show up here anytime. But you gotta park your judgment at the door," the 45-year-old said.
"All I can do is speak my truth. I can't control what he believes or not...I love him with every cell in my body. But I'm also 45 with five kids; I can't be treated like a 12-year-old anymore."
Sheen also took a moment to reflect back to when his father was filming Apocalypse Now and took the family to the Philippines, where as an admitted drunk and heavy cigarette smoker, the elder Sheen suffered a heart attack.
"He had a terrible addiction, but never did drugs," Sheen said of his dad.
"It was shocking to see him walk up on a cane but I did bring him a couple gloves and a baseball and we just threw the ball everyday. Started at ten feet, worked a few feet back every day. It was the only exercise he could really do and the only exercise I could offer and those are fabulous memories."
Just days ago, Sheen passed a urine and blood drug test given by a court-approved independent lab contracted by in an effort to prove to his detractors that his "condition" is impeccable.
Not surprised by the results that he'd passed the tests, Sheen told “The only way to beat a drug test is to not have drugs in your body. It’s not rocket science.”
In light of CBS and Warner Bros. Television’s decision to pull the plug on the remainder of the season of Two and a Half Men, Sheen's attorney sent a blistering letter promising to sue them and creator Chuck Lorre.
"They'll lead with, 'Sorry about everything,' publicly," Sheen told Bush of the big-wigs that questioned him, confident that after passing's drug test they would apologize. EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Charlie Sheen Watches Drug Test Interview, Calls Himself 'Genius
"At the end of the day it's not show-hugness, it's show business. And this is a business dispute. But it's also a personal attack and it's sort of rooted in, not sort of, but absolutely rooted in judgment and opinion."
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENT: Charlie Sheen Lawyer’s Blistering Letter To CBS -- READ IT HERE