Charlie Sheen's Bizarre New Interview: Slams Alcoholics Anonymous, Says His Rate For Beating Addiction Is 100%

May 28 2018, Updated 10:15 a.m. ET
In a bizarre and tough-talking new interview, Charlie Sheen blasted Alcoholics Anonymous and said his success rate at beating addiction is 100%!
“Newsflash, I’m special,” Charlie said at one point during the interview with the Alex Jones Show. Sheen showed no signs of remorse for any of his actions and conversely lashed out at a variety of targets in a way that is sure to raise eyebrows.
“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning,” he said asserting that he is clean and sober. Amazingly he added about his ability to get clean: “My success rate is 100%”
Sheen saved many of his angry words for Alcoholic Anonymous. “I was shackled and oppressed by the cult of AA for 22 years,” Sheen said. “I finally extracted myself from their troll hole and started living my life the way I want to live it.
“It’s vintage, outdated and stupid and it’s followed by STUPID people”
He then added: “I hate them violently. They will come at me.”
At one point he said: “Debate me on AA right now. I have a disease? Bulls**t. I cured it right now with my mind.”
Sheen’s interview will do little to convince people that the Two and a Half Men star has regained balance in his life. As reported exclusively, his wife Brooke Mueller has moved back in with him and porn star Bree Olson is also living there, along with Natalie Kenly. The group took off for a tropical vacation Wednesday.
Sheen was feisty, acerbic, nasty and at times off-the-wall.
He even attacked his own show at one point, saying: “I was told if I went on the attack they’d cancel the show. are they happy with the 5 billion dollars they made off me or do they want 10?”
Earlier he said: “I’m not fair game. I’m not a soft target. There’s a new sheriff, and he has an army of assassins,” apparently as a warning to the media.
More Sheen wisdom included: “My motto now is either you love or you hate and you must do so violently. I don’t live in the middle anymore. That’s where you get embarrassed.
“If you love with violence and you hate with violence there is nothing that can be questioned.”
Talking about his life and the new women in it, he said: “I’m going to hang out with these two smoking hotties and fly around the world. It might be lonely up here but I sure like the view.”
When interview host Alex Jones said, “I’m just glad you’re clean…this is it” Sheen seemed to back away from promising he’d be clean forever.
Sheen responded: “Right now it is. I don’t subscribe to any model.”
The Two and a Half Men star attacked AA, religion and a variety of targets while extolling the virtues of hanging out with “two smoking hotties.”
He characterized religion as “talking snakes” and a waste of a Sunday.
Littering his interview with violent imagery bordering on threats, Sheen saved his softest words for new squeeze Kenly, reading a letter she wrote him, that, in part, praised him for his “wisdom.”
By the end of the interview, even Alex Jones said:” I hope they don’t cancel Two and a Half Men over the interview you just heard.”
EXCLUSIVE: Brooke Mueller Accepting Charlie's Sheen's Offer - Planning A Move To His Neighborhood