AUDIO: J-WOWW Doesn't Know Who Vice President Is! Flunks Radio Quiz

Feb. 11 2011, Published 5:55 a.m. ET
Jersey Shore's Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley flunked a current affairs quiz when she couldn't answer a shock jock’s question: who is the Vice-President of the United States?
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While a guest on the Johnjay and Rich radio show, a stunned J-WOWW reacted to the impromptu pop quiz, telling the program: “I thought I was here to talk about my book, not these questions” when quizzed about issues of national and world importance.
So, who is the VP, J-WOWW?
"Oh my goodness,” the reality starlet said, unable to muster the answer: “I don't want to answer these questions.”
Undeterred, the radio men probed further.
Can you name the Secretary of State? J-WOWW was asked.
"Ugh, I don't get into politics," the 24-year-old said.
And when asked who wrote the national anthem, J-WOWW replied, laughing: "I have no idea, I don't get into things like that."
That’s when the interrogation turned another hut button issue -- the revolution in Egypt.
"Terrorists, right?” a vague J-WOWW said, admitting she knew “there was some controversy over there and some of our reporters got roughed up."
J-WOWW, who studied graphic design in college, told the DJs she's more a computer girl and pleaded with them, "ask me about computers, and I could tell you."